Jungle Ick Guard 2


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2009
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Hi guys! Anyone use this product? Did it work for you? If I need to do a second treatment should I change water first? It doesn't say on the bottle that you have to. Also should I turn the heat back down or leave it high?
I just just put this in my tank a couple minutes ago. I was trying the heat method with vacuming and water changes but things were looking worse so I decided to medicate. Any info would be great. Thanks
Have you tryed doing a search on the net.
It says you don't have to raise temp with the product.
As for a water change don't know can't find the info.
I would phone or email the company.
Hi, I'm in no way an expert, but I have used the ick guard 2 and it works well, I'm a big fan of the Jungle products, best stuff I used so far.

Anyways just follow the instructions of increasing air flow in the tank, I left my temp at 78. I changed my water after the second dose just to be on the safe side, because I was treating 2 bumble bee gobies, very small fish and relatively scaleless. I used 2 cycles like that to cure the ick.

I assume you're using the ick guard 2 because you have loaches or similar scaless fish.

Do some research on Ick it's really not that bad of a disease.

One word on meds though, I personally always dose just a little less than recommended on the bottles because a 10 gallon tank doesn't really have 10 gallons of water in it. You've got to allow for all the rocks and decorations (displacement) in the water and my tanks are never right at the top with water.

Best of luck!

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