June TOTM and FOTM contests


Fish Addict
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
I am sorry everyone for the delay and all the problems we have had with the contest here of late, I have been trying to get moved to a new house and have been dealing with a knee injury to boot. Please take the time to read the rules for the contest as there has been a few changes. Mainly to be entered into the contest fellow members are going to have to nominate a tank or fish to be enterered. This will make it easier to keep track of those that are in the contests so that no one is over looked when it comes contest time.
Also due to my being away for a week we are going to give those people that have pics posted by the 15th cut off a few days to get the needed nominations. I was wanting to get this going last week but time didnt allow.
I would also like to ask everybody with the contest fastly approaching that if they see a thread that is nominated to pass it along. My biggest worry is someone will get left out and I dont want to see that happen


feel better there les,

I have knee and back problems so I feel your pain (quite literaly) as well as figurativly. glad to have you back and posting again though and congrats on miving into the new house. how did your tanks and fish fair through the move.
Believe it or not. In all the fish that I moved I lost only one Christmas Fulu and that was due to the fact that he was hiding in the gravel and when I moved I put the tiger barbs in the 10 gal tank and when he came out the tigers went nuts on him.....Other than that all the fish(all 5 tanks) are doing great

great to hear they are all ok. sorry about the loss though :( I lost my silk pleco last week. my 1 1/2 inch rainbow shark stressed a 2 1/2 inchto death. ate all of his fins. I bought a new silk to replace him he is 3 1/2 inches and has been doing fine. no nips at his fins at all, but unlike the other one who wanted to share the hidey hole with the shark, this one prefers the inlet for the power filter

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