**jumps on wagon* Well everyone else is doing it..


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I bought this girlie as a "test" subject for my styrofoam project. I know, I know how cruel is that? -_- But I had to make sure it was safe before just plopping all my other girls in a tank with it...someone HAD to be the guinnie pig lol.

Well I'm happy to report she made it through unscathed....just as I had expected...otherwise I would have bought a less pretty fish :shifty: :whistle: . Yes..it was a shifty plan lmao.

I dunno what color you call her or what tail type she is or anything other then that she is a she (egg spot kinda gives that away lol).

I "think" it's a plakat..due to the very pointy anal fin...but I dunno, could just be a veil female. :look:

She looks like a cambodian..except..well instead of red fins and a white body..she has orange fins and a white body lol. I think she's a real looker though :hey: . And boy howdy does she have personality. She's a real "watcher" that's for sure. If I come anywhere near that tank she's all over the place lol..up and down and side to side on the frotn glass lol.

I named her Moo, which is Thai for Pig....since she is my little my guinne Pig :wub:


"look at me..look at me"

"oh yes, look at meeeeeee (now feed me :D)"

Thanks for stopping by *waves*
:D Thanks...when I saw her at Pet Depot...I just had to have her (along with 2 toads :shifty: ..but they are my son's ;) ;) :lol: ).
Awww, she's so pretty!

I have a yellow CT female named Moo. I named her from part of the breeder's address. I had no idea it was Thai for pig. haha He lives on Pig Street...
SRC said:
:D Thanks...when I saw her at Pet Depot...I just had to have her (along with 2 toads :shifty: ..but they are my son's ;) ;) :lol: ).

I just caught a toad outside when I brought the dogs out to potty. It was really pale and I had never seen one like it before. I grabbed it and ran inside and asked my fiance "Have you ever seen one this color before?!?" and he looks at my cupped hand and cocks and eyebrow.."One..what?" I opened my hands.."Yes..good God, why do you have to catch everything?" haha I was tempted to keep it, but I let it go.

Just thought I'd share that.. haha
:rofl: @ Pig Street lmao...that'great! haha

Did your toadie look like this....


That's one of my new ones (Oriental Fire Belly Toad btw)...his name is Wie...that's Chinese for Dangerous.

Here is a link to my toadies if you are interested..or bored...or both lmao

I have a feeling..toads are gonna be the new bettas :lol: (at least at my house...now I want a poison dart frog..jeeze they are so pretty, but pricey).
Wow, she's gooorgeous :wub:
Almost definitely a VT though, plakat females have more rounded anal fins
Ahh ok...then a viel she is then lol. I dunno alot of girl betta's yet. Just got a few not long ago, from Kelly, so I'll have to do some studying up on them..since now I have 6 lol. I just used the way the girls I got from Kelly (the top 4 in my sig) to make that "assumption" lol....I'm wrong alot though lmao.

I love her to pieces already...I'm so glad she didn't get sick...I'd felt horrible about it if she had lol.

So your's looks like MOoo as well? How cool is that? I've never seen one anything like that color..and now she has a twin :lol:..."GO MOO"
ahhh ok..cool. I think we have something similar to that in our back yard..they dig huge holes around the pool to sleep in all day..then keep me up at night croaking lmao. (well until I started wearing ear plugs that is :flex: ).

Thanks...I think my toadies are pretty myself...I walked past them last week at the pet store and fell in love. My son's been real good lately..so I bought *him* some toadies :shifty: :whistle: :look:

(but shhhhh don't tell anyone they were really for meeeee lol) :lol:
OK..so yeah I'm bored...and Moo is so cute...and photogenic...that she got he rpicture taken several more times. lol

This show's exactly what color she really is. I played with the lighting like 500 times to get this too look right...and it just happened to be the last pic I took too lol.


Here she is seeing herself for the first time...I'm not all to sure she liked it either :lol:.

She flattened up against that cave like she was molded onto it lmao.


Then she decided it wasn't so bad after all...but still not too sure of it...


Then she noticed the snail...that was funny. She was quite leary..even though she'd been right beside it for like..oh 15 minutes at least rofl. *looks behind computer..she still won't touch it lmao*


Too bad pictures can't show you just how clear her body actually is...I can see her food digesting...straight through her lol..neat, but kinda gross at the same time -_- .


I've seen her in there once...and it wasn't tonight :lol:


Decided that the curtains just weren't "her"...so I stuck some potted plants, that were left over from the toad tank, behind her tank...she seems to dig them.


I think I adore this fish...I haven't liked one this much..since Han came along. Actually...I haven't had one like ME this much since Han...I sure do miss that fish :look: .
Oh, SRC, I love her! She's so alert! Shes so pretty. Great color. Put pics when she finishes coloring.
Thanks...she should be fully colored up though...I've had her since Thursday lol. If she gets any prettier...I will never leave her alone **hehe**.

Lord..if your's body is more pale..how do you find her? lmao Mine is so clear it's unbelievable. I can see her "poop" before she knows she has to poo :lol:.

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