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Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
Hi all

I have just got a large (1.5 Gallon) bowl but it looks incredibly easy for an occupant to jump out.

I am fairly certain Betta's willjump if given the chance so two questions:

Do they?

What do i cover the top with?


Oh yeah, they'll jump... that's why all my short-finned bettas (plakats and females) have lids, and any others I leave uncovered have their water level a bit low. I'm not too good with rigging up lids... uh... I use CD cases as temporary lids sometimes :lol:
Saran rap works great, just poke a couple of holes in it though.
Here's what I do,

1) Plastic wrap snugly fitted with no wrinkles over the top, cut off excess for a neater look, then use scissors blade to poke a few holes. I also cut the holes a little bit and fold back the extra because I am paranoid about air circulation.

2) Lay down strips of clear packing tape styicky side up, then lay pieces sticky side down onto them, so it forms a thin plastic sheet. Cut it to fit over the opening of your bowl, hole punch some breathing holes, and tape in place. That one is reusable ;)
Yes! Please cover your bowl! My betta jumed out of his tank and I found him on the floor. Thankfully I got him in time and he survived but I can imagine if I wasent home......
I fear I may have the wrong type of bowl as the opening is extremely large more like a cooking bowl


Oh well, have to go shopping :D see what else I can get

The opening being large is not a bad thing. It means more surface area, which is a very, very good thing.

I often use cardboard to cover tanks. It has a limited life, and it is pretty well ruined if it gets wet, but it works for usually quite a while, and it's cheap and easy to replace.

Ill give that ago i figured that the plastic methods would be to flimsy, might have to manufacture something, 'cos I want it to look nice like the fish and the tank

Head hurts now, active thinking :alien:

Dan :rofl:
If you get some brightly colored cardboard and arrange it really nice, it actually doesn't look that bad. I have some cardboard-covered tanks that actually look kind of lovely, because I used yellow checkered or yellow floral-type printed cardboard.

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