Jumping To Oddballs


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
i saw some pics on the net and i really want some :blush: tho i want to know what i can tell them with.

4 Angels
2 id sharks (grow out for a friend with a huge tank only till they're 9inchs :blink: )
and a senegal bichir if i could get 2?

i also liked the look of, a peacock eel if anyone could give me info on if i could keep this guy in my tank. My tank is a 4ft tank any comments would be great :shifty:
im not even joking im pretty sure its 10 feet long and like 3 or 3 and a half wide. he had to get extra support for his basement :blink:
my buddys dad has a hole fish room. in the 10 foot tank he has a common plec thats like 18inchs long its ffreaking huge :hyper:
all his fish in that tank are like 10inchs plus i should get some pics for you guys. when i first saw it like passed out lol
a 4feet should do for your angels, bichir and your peacock. but yeah the id sharks would be a problem.

a 10 feet tank? :blink: pictures would be nice.
I'm not sure tbh - but http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=116410 the ID shark is pretty active I believe

do you think it would be best to see if he has any other friends to grow out for the ids? :good:

i called him last night, about the size of his tank. its only 7 feet by 3 by 3 and a half his brother in law works with glass for a living and made it for him! he said he might be able to get my a tank made for pretty cheap!!! :hooray:

so i spent most of this morning looking on the internet on some fish. heres what i'v come up with as for fish and can be happy and live a full long life.

Peacock ell-macroganthus sinensis (i'v read they like to be in groups) i would like 3 if i could fit them
Senegal Bichir- polypeterus sengegalus (i would like to have 2)
Marbled Bichir - polypterus palmas(i would like to have 2 here as well)
how do you feel on this stock, will it be to much for my tank?
All those fish stay on bottom. I dont rly know if stock is ok, but a must substrate to have for the peacocks is sand.
All those fish stay on bottom. I dont rly know if stock is ok, but a must substrate to have for the peacocks is sand.

oh man i didnt even think about that! lol hmm i guess i will just get 3 peacock ells and work a stock around them :good:
??? the others dont need sand. The peacock eels are the ones that need sand because the like to bury half there body in it.
i saw some pics on the net and i really want some :blush: tho i want to know what i can tell them with.

4 Angels
2 id sharks (grow out for a friend with a huge tank only till they're 9inchs :blink: )
and a senegal bichir if i could get 2?

i also liked the look of, a peacock eel if anyone could give me info on if i could keep this guy in my tank. My tank is a 4ft tank any comments would be great :shifty:

it should be ok i would say put a divder in between them in the tank and see if there is any discomfort between them
lol i have sand in all of my tanks :good:
but i dont know what i want to get i know its 2 or 3 peacock ells or 2 senegal bichir
which one would you guys go with?
what's the difference between three different bottom dwellers, and three of the same type of bottom dweller? it doesn't solve the problem of having a bottom heavy tank. Which is fine, providing you have room for them all to establish their territories. Don't know if you would have that in a 4ft tank (having not had that experience), i just thought i'd point it out.

As for sand, its recommended that bichirs live on sand as well as they tend to swallow substrate when they're eating.
In a tank that size id be looking at maybe 2 or 3 different Bichirs rather than 2 of the same ones ;)
the stocking you had before Rex740 said they wouldnt go, would be fine :good:

you'd need a tank about 4'x2'x2' or longer.

The problem will come when you try to stock the upper levels :rolleyes: thats the difficult part, took me ages.

As for polypterus, I have P. delhezi, P. senegalus, and P. endlicheri endlicheri, I alsohave a fire eel in there.
I also have clown loaches, syndontis, and a few others on the bottom of the tank.

If you look at my profile you can see what fish are in the 120gallon.

And always bigger is better, if you can get a 7' or bigger that would be even better, I want a 10'x4'x4' :shifty: but that will have to wait for a long while yet :)

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