Fish Crazy
i saw some pics on the net and i really want some
tho i want to know what i can tell them with.
4 Angels
2 id sharks (grow out for a friend with a huge tank only till they're 9inchs
and a senegal bichir if i could get 2?
i also liked the look of, a peacock eel if anyone could give me info on if i could keep this guy in my tank. My tank is a 4ft tank any comments would be great

4 Angels
2 id sharks (grow out for a friend with a huge tank only till they're 9inchs

and a senegal bichir if i could get 2?
i also liked the look of, a peacock eel if anyone could give me info on if i could keep this guy in my tank. My tank is a 4ft tank any comments would be great