Jumbo Neon Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
north somerset
today i went into my local fish shop and i was looking for some kind of tetra or barb to get. ive always like the neon or cardinal tetra but wasnt sure. but today as i was looking they had "jumbo neon tetra" there much bigger and look amazing. so i just had to get them. and then i noticed the price there ment to be 5 for £11! but they had a normall neon tetra ticket there. so i spoke to the shop assisant and he sed hell give them to me for the cheaper price because they messed it up. so i got 13 JUMBO neon tetras for £8!!! WHAT A BARGIN! so anyway, are they easy to care for? are they hardy?will they be okay with my zebra danios? i want a mid level swimming fish and i hope they will do this?

Any pictures of them? Sure they ain't just fully grown cardinal tetra? :unsure:


as you will see there alot bigger then a cardinal tetra. if they are a cardinal i will be shocked.
100% neons not cardinals. how big are they as its hard to tell from the video? neons can reach about 1.5 inches, they may be fully grown neons....!
Just look like adult neons to me. Neons get to about 1.5 inches and are a good sized shoaling fish for a long 45+ litre tank with no aggressive or predatory fish. Prefer soft water with a low pH but can adapt to harder water.
Lovely shoal there OP. I find the bigger you buy neons the likelier they are to survive.The first two weeks are critical though so if you get past those they should be fine. Keep up with water changes as they are sensitive to water quality. I've had 8 since last Sept. and they're about that size now.
By the way, if they survive, or most do, I wouldn't add any more if I were you. I've read so many times of people having a nice shoal of neons only for them to add a few more which have neon tetra disease and end up losing the whole lot. Happened to me so now I've got 8 I'm not adding any more.
Jumbos are just adults compared to the younger cheaper ones. I always go for the littler ones because they will grow to the same size with some TLC. Littler ones are normally a better deal, cuz the farms don't hang on to them any longer.
Lovely shoal there OP. I find the bigger you buy neons the likelier they are to survive.The first two weeks are critical though so if you get past those they should be fine. Keep up with water changes as they are sensitive to water quality. I've had 8 since last Sept. and they're about that size now.
By the way, if they survive, or most do, I wouldn't add any more if I were you. I've read so many times of people having a nice shoal of neons only for them to add a few more which have neon tetra disease and end up losing the whole lot. Happened to me so now I've got 8 I'm not adding any more.
Did you quarantine Chris? My usual recommendation for beginners is to start with a habit of making the period in the quarantine tank at least one month. All of the disease writeups for Neon Tetra disease (Pleistophora) that I've seen claim that the symptoms will show themselves within 2 to 3 weeks, usually 2.


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