Julii/trilineatus Corys


New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Jacksonville, FL
I Just picked up a shoal of 6 of these little guys. I never thought Cory's would be so fun to watch. They have a ton of personality, I never would have thought cat fish would be entertaining/energetic. I am still very new to keeping fish, but I am a definite Cory fan now!

BTW, they were labeled as Julii Corys at my LFS. However, after doing some research I found out they might not be Julii but in fact Trilineatus according to http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_Leopard_Cory_Corydoras_julii_trilineatus.php

Can someone confirm what they are and what do I call them to be correct? Here is a pic of one of the little guys:
They are indeed trillis.

And please change out your gravel for sand. Sharp gravel like that will wear down the barbels on your cories and that's what they use to find their food.
Yep definately Tri's :good:

Has mentioned your gravel looks rough and may wear down those lovely long barbels on them...sand is preferred :good:
Yep definately Tri's :good:

Has mentioned your gravel looks rough and may wear down those lovely long barbels on them...sand is preferred :good:

Noted. What are the pro's and cons of a sand substrate? How does it fare with planted tanks? I eventually want to become heavily planted. Does the color of sand matter? I would want to pickup tahitian moon sand (black) if I were to switch substrates. The current substrate I have is meant for plants and apparently has minerals and fertilizers for plants, I take it sand doesn't have this. Please advise.
Sand is easier to clean than gravel,had debris stays on top of sand,whereas dirt gets stuck in gravel,so unless you do a good deep clean of gravel,corys can easily pick up infections through their barbels & causing barbel errosion,has corys love digging looking for titbits they sift sand through their gills,they're unable to do this with gravel...

I think colour is personal preference,has long has you give it a good wash beforehand :good: i use just ordinary playsand in mine,which is a pale tan has in signature pic :)

There is a few plants substrates to go with sand for planted tanks,i'm not sure on these,so you may be better asking over on the planted tanks section regarding this :good:
basic cat litter can be used as far as im aware then a nice thick layer of sand on top. obviously give both a good wash.

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