New Member
I have a 36g bowfront tank that has been cycling for about 3 weeks with the help of some API quickstart. Did water tests, scrubbed rocks and driftwood, did a water change before adding small gravel, several rocks, and driftwood. Gradually added 4 cherry shrimp, 3 nerites, 6 embers, and just recently (as of 3/18) added 3 false Julii corys (My fish store only had 3 live ones, 1 passed in the tank; that should have been red flag #1). Day 2 of having them, I go to check after waking up, 1 has left us. I picked up some more from a different store that is solely a fish store, four in total, so they could have safety in numbers (total of 6). I checked on them that same day, 1 more has passed. I know it was from the first store because those 3 fish were noticeably smaller than the 4 new ones. My driftwood has a very thick covering of what I am 99.6% sure is biofilm (it is now visible without the light, so I might scrape some of it off because it is starting to cover nearby gravel). I have made a small little cove with rocks with hiding spaces. I did several water tests, checked my temp, and periodically put in a sponge filter or air stone for a few hours at a time, but everything is perfect, apart from a pH level of 7.6. I fed them a little bit everyday after getting them, they weren't eating at the start but after about two days they started eating fine.
I am doing a water change today (3/24) and will add in my other driftwood and plants (Java fern, duckweed, some mosses, and maybe my Jungle val) afterwards, which will hopefully provide more hiding spaces, as there is a big open space between the current large piece of driftwood and the rocks. Today, the Juliis were swimming around much more than usual, going up to the top of the water and swimming behind the heater. I know that is normal for young corys. I put the sponge filter in before I left, and that seemed to calm them down a bit. They are somewhat hard to find, but everyone was there. Some warning signs like fast breathing, frantic movements, and a twitching movement were there, and the area near their gills is more of a red color with a blue-green lining instead of the normal peachy/slightly pink coloring. I plan on getting a dwarf gourami soon, but don't want to if there is something wrong. I have the means to quarantine, but I don't think it is something like gill flukes. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
I am doing a water change today (3/24) and will add in my other driftwood and plants (Java fern, duckweed, some mosses, and maybe my Jungle val) afterwards, which will hopefully provide more hiding spaces, as there is a big open space between the current large piece of driftwood and the rocks. Today, the Juliis were swimming around much more than usual, going up to the top of the water and swimming behind the heater. I know that is normal for young corys. I put the sponge filter in before I left, and that seemed to calm them down a bit. They are somewhat hard to find, but everyone was there. Some warning signs like fast breathing, frantic movements, and a twitching movement were there, and the area near their gills is more of a red color with a blue-green lining instead of the normal peachy/slightly pink coloring. I plan on getting a dwarf gourami soon, but don't want to if there is something wrong. I have the means to quarantine, but I don't think it is something like gill flukes. Any help would be greatly appriciated.