Julii And Sterbai


Fish Fanatic
Jan 19, 2011
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hi, i recently bought 2 corydoras julii for my community tank. i know they should be in a group of 5 or more. a while back i had 4 sterbai who died within a few days of buying them. no apparent reason and the water parameters were fine. i since changed the gravel to sand and the tank was fine over the last couple of months so i thought i'd try again, starting with 2 fish. so far so good. i would like to add another 2 or 3 corys in a couple of weeks/months and am wondering if i should stick with juliis or if i could mix my jullis with sterbais. would they shoal even though they're diff breeds? thanks for any advise as i'm new to corys
Ideally you should proably stick to the julii as they tend to be smaller than the strebia although both can be rather shy. Either are lovely fish and if you have the room you could eventaully have a small group of around 5 of each type in the one tank. They will hang out together but wont show their true shoaling habit of cruiising around as a group, instead they will tend to do more of thier own thing if you do have different types.
What size is your tank & what stocking do you have?

Basically has baccus said above,ideally depending on the size of your tank one species would be better,but if you have a large tank then go for 2 species with 5-6 0f each :good:

Edited to add the julli(which are commonly mis-sold has these)are probably trilineatus(three line corys)these prefer a lower temperature 22-25 degrees,whereas sterbai's prefer warmer around 28 degrees....
hi, i have a 64 liter tank with 5 danios, 5 male platies and 1 damation molly plus my 2 corys. how many corys can i have without overstocking the tank? only other fish i am considering are 5-6 neons but not sure as might be too much for the tank size. thanks
I'd rehome the molly and get 4 more cories. And I'll bet they're trili cories too. All of the ones I have were sold to me as julii, and they're all trili. Look at my avatar and see if she matches yours.
here is a pic of one of my corys, would be appreciated if you could tell me if it's a trilli or julii. plus, what is the diff between both? i am not able to rehome the molly (step-daughter's fish) but the molly is not aggressive and about the size of the platys and hanging around with them. if i get another 4 corys would i be able to get the neons as well, or would that be overstocking the tank? thanks for the help as i want to get it right


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