Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
My cambodian veiltail from wal-mart has never eaten anything but bloodworms and brine shrimp since I got him almost 2 months ago. And has had boughts with finrot, ich, and cloudy eyes. But I tried feeding pellets last week and I noticed one pellet was gone and figured it fell.
BUT! I moved him into a bowl instead of a kritter keeper and now he's eating pellets!!! I guess he wasn't happy in the other tank. And his tail has unclamped some and he looks really purdy! He actually flares at things!!!!!
BUT! I moved him into a bowl instead of a kritter keeper and now he's eating pellets!!! I guess he wasn't happy in the other tank. And his tail has unclamped some and he looks really purdy! He actually flares at things!!!!!