journey time from fish shop to home


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2004
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Im still in the process of doing the fishless cycle thing. But i though that i would pay my two local fish shops a visit to see what they had.

And to be honest they didnt have that much. I know they get new stock in every so often but they didnt have any of the fish that i would like to keep. (Rasboras and cherry barbs)...

anyways, there is a highly rated aquarium shop thats about 30-40 mins by car from my house.

So my question is this, would this be too long a time to transport fish?

nah, not at all :) i was evilonce and kept my female bettas in a bag for over 2 hours :huh: but dont' tell anyone cuz i might be killed
Yesterday I went to a town approx, 25 miles away to get fish. made the first stop got 5 Bloodfin tetra's, second stop got 3 ghost shrimp. I would say the tetras were in the back any where from an hour to an hour and a half due to distance and the people at the other place taking forever to help me. All seems fine. I packed a soft sided cooler with me so I could put the fish in without major temperature change.
i carry the fish in the front with me, i dont' trust my trunk :D but yeah it should be fine :)
Do you keep the fish in the bag when you put it in the cooler, or do you pour the water into the cooler and let the fish swim about in the cooler?

I dont have a cooler bag, any suggestions on how i could transport possible 6 harlequin rasboras?

I was hoping to talk my girlfriend into holding two bags in each hand, while using her teeth to hold the third bag while i drove home :kana:
can't you just leave them in the back seat and have yoru gf sit in the back and just make sure they dont' fall over?
My mistake the word back in that post ment to be bag, silly fingers. also I kept the fish in the bag when put in the cooler. Im sure anything will do pretty well coolerwise, or maybe just turn the ac on if it gets a lil warm and keep the fish out of the sunlight, the one bag in each hand and one in teeth sounds like it woul dbe funny to pass by on the road :D
but wouldnt that create less space in the bag, bacause the bag would tend to crush if i just sat it on the seat.

Plus i could actually see my girlfriend holding the fish that way all the way home, dont get me wrong shes a lovely girl but as much brains as tetra. :blink:
well in a way I guess it could create less space width wise in a bag if you had a really small cooler or a few bags, but if the waters comes in it must also raise up so your just moving the space up instead of out.
paulioo said:
dont get me wrong shes a lovely girl but as much brains as tetra. :blink:
I can gues why your with her then - got a pic :)

Any way back OT - I would say get any conainer that you can stand the bag it - the water will pretty much remain the same shape - They will fill it with air and make it air tight so it won't be squashed

But I think something like a cool box would be a good idea if its a hot drive - Have the top on and the temp shouldn't drop (or raise my much) -

When you do get them into your take - take a long time to exchange the water and leave them floating in the bag for longer than normal - The change in temp will damage them if you drop them in too quick - but a slow change shouldn't be too bad.
When you do get them into your take - take a long time to exchange the water and leave them floating in the bag for longer than normal - The change in temp will damage them if you drop them in too quick - but a slow change shouldn't be too bad.

Just out a curiousity, I thought temp changes just stressed them, how does it damage the fish with the temp change?
Imagine if you were in a nice warm bath and then jumped into a cold pool - It make it difficult to breath and you heart races - This isn't health for a fish

Maybe i was OTT to suggest they might die - but it won't do them any good and its always better to take precausions
well that would be hard to imagine as jumping from a warm bath to a cold pool doesnt really appeal to my body LOL I can see the harm now, thanks. It's never a bad thing to post possible complications with something :)
I drove a little over 2 hours with my discus when I got them. I packed them up in a cooler with paper inbetween the fish bags.
elgecko said:
I drove a little over 2 hours with my discus when I got them. I packed them up in a cooler with paper inbetween the fish bags.
My closest fish store is a two hour drive and this is what I do too. Some of the other stores I frequent are 4 hours. If you tell the store you have a drive ahead, they should pakage differently and some will even give you a styrofoam cooler.
Just remember that fish have to get to the store in the first place and they are in bags to do that too. :nod:

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