still trying to figure out what i want in my 20 gal. been tossing a number of ideas around. came across some info on the above three. johannis it says are intolerant of own kind but do well with other africans. okay. so just one of those. but kenyi an socolofi (pseudothropheus socolofi), do they need to be in pairs, threes, alone but okay with other africans?
would any of these three be a no-no with a peaceful 4-inch pleco? with cory cats? with other fish? with each other?
any help would be great (don't worry, haven't bought any yet or anything, tanks not even set up yet)
would any of these three be a no-no with a peaceful 4-inch pleco? with cory cats? with other fish? with each other?

any help would be great (don't worry, haven't bought any yet or anything, tanks not even set up yet)