Joe's Juice Secret Method


Aug 30, 2007
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Am I the only one or are others frustrated by the way Joe's juice clogs up in the bottle. After shaking the bottle for what seems an eternity, I open it and it looks all watery and nice.
Trying to suck it into the syringe via the applicator is a non starter. I end up creating a vacuum and a big lump of stuff at the end of the applicator. So... I take the applicator off and use the syringe directly to fill it up. That's better except of course that as soon as I put the applicator back on and try to eject it over the offending Aips it gets blocked again.

A couple of times after I apply pressure to the piston thingy when it's blocked I get an explosion of Joe's Juice (sounds mildly offensive) all over the tank. :grr:
Other times it just won't give and I have to remove it and wash the applicator out under the tap clearing the blockage with a needle.

I know the instructions say to add a few drops of RO to the bottle if it thickens which I haven't tried yet as the liquid itself is still, well, liquid it just has the lumps in it and I can't see a couple of drops of RO getting rid of the lumps.

I was thinking of leaving the applicator off but I'm sure if I do that the juice would leak out in the tank before I get a chance to squirt it.

Is there a trade secret that the world knows of that I don't? :no:


Edit: Damn, meant to post this in Marine Chat!
maybe add a couple of drops of RO water and then use something like a match stick to mix it up and break up the lumps?
Well I've tried trying to swish something around in the bottle in an attempt to break up the lumps.

It is incredibly difficult to break up flexible lumps, loose in liquid suspension when you can't actually see them. I may empty the stuff into a glass pot of some kind and use the back of a spoon with them. I just can't believe this is a characteristic of the stuff though. :/
Agree with Barney, try adding just a bit of RO water too it. Joes Juice is mostly calcium hydroxide at the saturation point which means it forms a paste. If a little water evaporates out, it'll become thick and clumpy. So just add some RO and you'll be fine. Do take care if you remove it from the bottle to a different container. Calcium hydroxide is EXTREMELY basic and hazardous to your skin, or many other materials/surfaces should you spill it :)

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