Jim's 29 Gallon Nano Reef Log


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2007
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Well, first off I would like to thank all who have helped me get this far, expanding my mind with saltwater fish knowledge!

I have just set up my tank in my bedroom. Here are the specs:

•29 US Gallon Glass Aquarium
•Fluval 150 Watt Heater
•Topfin Powerhead 50 (150 gph)
•Small Digital Thermometer
•Coralife "Deep Six" Hydrometer

As of today, July 12, I have not acquired a filter or protein skimmer, which is tomorrow's task.

Tasks Completed Thus Far:

1. Set Up Tank and Accessories
2. Added Coralife Marine Salt (15 Cups)
3. Established A Consistent Temperature of 82*F
4. Have measured the gravity but cannot get an accurate reading yet.

Questions Needed To Be Answered:

1. Why is there salt piles at the bottom of the tank? I stir them up occasionally...Too much salt? If so, how do I correct?
2. Any specific type of filter needed for a FOWLR aquarium? Does it us carbon? Any help is appreciated!
3. Is it safe to buy LR and LSand tomorrow?
4. Besides a test kit, what else do I need?


I don't have pictures yet, but will be uploading some later tonight!

Thanks again guys!


--Jim C.
hi mate ime currently setting up my first 12uk gallon nano reef.

ill try help out answering some of ur questions as best as i can:

1: i had the same problem 4 days ago with the salt but i persisted in realy stiring it up and eventually it all went....i used the other end of my tank glass scraper which is some kind of planter but it worked well.

2:i wouldnt say there is any specific filter as such i think its more like what filter media to use as some of the floss like media can become nitrate factorys etc etc.....but i have gone for some fluval filter media which is basicly cream colour hexagonal blocks measuring about an inch long and i simply put these in place for my old filter media......was advised i could use a lot of things which are the same though and carbon was one of them.

3: as long as the tank temp is steady and salinity/SG is at right level i shouldnt see why u cant add sand/live rock.......beware when i added my sand i got a bit worried when tank water went sooooo cloudy an took about 2 days to settle.

4: well ime no expert with hydrometers as never used 1 as i brought a refractometer which i have been told are a lot more accurate with salinity/sg readings......but this was what i was advised to get when i was doing all my research before my tank set up

also what lighting are u going to have or do have in the tank??
well, ime no expert with hydrometers as never used 1 as i brought a refractometer which i have been told are a lot more accurate with salinity/sg readings
Yes, refractometers are far more accurate at reading salinity than hydrometers, so it would be smart to invest in one...
Hi.. looking forward to pics..:)
Salt mixing should be done outside the tank really.. if you check out my blog (link in my sig) it shows one of the ways to do it, this way all the salt is properly dissolved before its added to the tank. Future water changes should be done with pre mixed salt that has been stood at least 24hrs to settle. Otherwise you risk causing harm to anything in your tank, Fish etc. As for getting SG right, if you follow the istructions on the packet/bucket and use weight/to water amount you cant go wrong. Also its best to pay a bit extra and get a quality salt product too. Just my opinion please dont take anything I say as gospel..lol :)
Good luck with it and keep us posted :)
Good morning!

Thank you all for your responses!

This morning, the salt piles have disappeared, probably because of the powerhead. I took a gravity measurement and got a reading of 1.028 which is still high. My temperature right now is around 81* F.

Today, I hope to acquire some live rock, live sand, a filter, and protein skimmer so that I can set that all up tonight.

To answer craigy's question about the lighting, it's just a stock fluorescent bulb that came with the tank. If I remember correctly, you do not need any special lighting if you aren't going to have live corals. Anemones are ok, aren't they? Please let me know asap, because my LFS is 1hr away from where I live. It's a long, boring drive, and I driving there!

Question of the Day:

•How do I LOWER my SG (gravity) down to 1.023 or there about? I would guess that I should take out some water and add fresh water back in, but that's just me : / Any help is appreciated!

I have pics, but they are boring...I will have pictures of my LR and LS setup later today, along with the boring ones!!! I am soo excited.

Thanks for the help thus far!

--Jim C.
Yup just remove water and replace with fresh RO, do small amounts and let it settle for half an hour then measure, keep doing it until you get the required s.g.. Just remember when you have fish etc in there it will need to be heated to correct temp before topped up.
Yup just remove water and replace with fresh RO, do small amounts and let it settle for half an hour then measure, keep doing it until you get the required s.g.. Just remember when you have fish etc in there it will need to be heated to correct temp before topped up.

Alrighty, thanks littleme! That was quite helpful. I will remember that for when I actually put my fish in there, which is a long time from now. I am off to go purchase my live Fiji rock @ $5.99 a pound. Is it necessary to have a protein skimmer today, cause I am thinking of ordering one off of ebay and saving a ton of money!

Let me know ;)

--Jim C.
protien skimmer wont be nessacary now, or anyother time, but helps when you have fish, anemones need stronger lighting than alot of coral and are harder to take care of, dont bother getting a filter if your getting 1-2lbs liverock/gallon just get some power heads
protien skimmer wont be nessacary now, or anyother time, but helps when you have fish, anemones need stronger lighting than alot of coral and are harder to take care of, dont bother getting a filter if your getting 1-2lbs liverock/gallon just get some power heads

Perfect advise :)
Skimmers are not essential in smaller tanks, just make sure to keep up with weekly water changes :)
Hello all,

Went out today and purchased the following:

- CaribSea Arag-Alive Crushed Coral
- Aqua Clear 20 Power Filter
- Coralife 24" 50/50 Bulb

Pictures to come when the dust settles!

One question still remains:

- did my water change, about 25%, and added fresh water, but still have a SG that is off the chart. Any help?

--Jim C.

PS: 636PM - I just check my SG and got a consistent reading of 1.028. Almost there!
Keep at it, I'm sure it will come right :)
What type of hydrometer are you using as some can be really hard to read. I use this..

Its idiot proof for a cheap end hydrometer. Just take out the plug and place 6" below water line. You can leave it there so no need to keep testing. Just turn off your powerheads to get a spot on reading.
I'm sorry I have been slacking on this post! I will have pictures tonight, I swear I will.

I have a bunch of things to do before the tank is photo worthy!

See ya tonight!

--Jim C.
you may want more flow, im pushing around 300 gph on my 20 gallon high nano and i dont feel that it is enough.

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