Jewul Trigon 190


New Member
Sep 1, 2012
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Hey guys, I've been asking opinions on a few tanks and now time for this.

What are they like? They say 200 litres but the overall size seems small. I would like a tropical fresh water community tank with at least 2 angel fish. Would this be sufficient?
Any advice is much appreciated.
So it says the tank is 200 liters? It is small... well, not big compared to others, but not SMALL compared to the smaller tanks. I'd say a 200 liter is a good size of keep a pair of angels in. It's fine to keep two angels in a 200 litre. :)
Cheers for that mate. I just can't seem to make my mind up
It only seems small because its a corner tank, but it will hold 200ltr of water. Corner tanks are usually quite tall, quick makes up the volume of water a long, say 4ft tank would have.

Very nice tank by the way!
What's the bioflow 3.0 compact filter like which comes with it, also the heater. Would you recommend these or would you say to replace with different ones?
The filter is not bad, easy to maintain and does a reasonable job. Most people upgrade the powerhead from the 600lph model to the 1000lph model and run an external canister in the cabinet as well, I have an Eheim 2226 Pro 2. My in-tank filter is used mainly for carbon/floss, etc. with the main filtration done by the Eheim

As for the heater, chuck it away and buy another. They only have a +/- adjustment with no calibration so setting temp is hit & miss, get another one with a proper dial that shows temp settings.
I was thinking of getting an eheim heater as I've heard good things about them and can recalibrate if needed.
They are (or were) the Jager range? That's what I changed too.....nice and easy to use.

They are (or were) the Jager range? That's what I changed too.....nice and easy to use.
I have just put the tetratec ex1200 in my trigon. Running it alongside the internal for a month to get it cycled then taking the internal out. Put a hydor external heater on the tetratec tubing so no unsightly heaters. For me the internal is just not up to the job and you are forever spending money on new filter media for it. Pay £100 and get a decent external it will be worth it in the long run and give you more space in the tank.
I have just put the tetratec ex1200 in my trigon. Running it alongside the internal for a month to get it cycled then taking the internal out.
Why not just move all the media over from the Juwel filter into the Tetratec seeing as you are ditching it anyway? It would then take a lot less time to seed the external.

For me the internal is just not up to the job and you are forever spending money on new filter media for it.
Agreed, that's why mine is full if bioballs and one floss pad :)
Yeah I have done that now. Ripped the internal out last night, amazed at how much more spacious the tank looks without it!! Moved the filter media over to the new external filter and got it running now.

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