what does anyone know about jewel cichlid I seen some today and don't know much about them appart from they are red can't find much about them on the net, they were mainly red with blueish fleks, a black spot behind it's eye?
jewels are nice community fish. the males are the redder ones while the females are usually a dull brown. get to be about 3-4 inches. there is a three spot jewel and a five spot jewel. the three spot is the more common. adults have a spot behind or on the gill, about midway on the body and at the base of the tail.
jewels are great community fish except for the evil jewel that i got last year they will go great with convicts, firemouths, dempseys (ask cm about the blue dempseys though). imo convicts are great in a pair in any sa/ca tank as they provide food for the inhabitants. do need some of the less aggressive cichlids though.
Well I went out this morning and bought two Jewels male and female put them in the big tank and as soon as I did they started locking lips so I watched them for an hour and all the time fighting so in the end I've put the brighter red one in my small tank and I've just noticed that one of my cardinals has had his arse bit off!!! could this be the jewel? I've had a good look and I can't see anything wrong with anyone else... The Jewel is only about 1.5 inch and the only other fish in there that is big enough to do that is a peaceful albino red fin shark
CM-i just got those glass cats i asked about a while back(debawi i forget the spelling,they're really fast and stay in the upper levels of the tank will they be ok,i also have some phantom tetras in there how will they do w/the jewels?
oh crap here i go again,so far the pleco i have won't work(L091)and theres a chance my dithers will get killed why can't i put a decent setup together!?!
i think i would try it out but be ready to make sudden changes and rearrangeing if things do not go right. the first pair of jewels i had were real passive aggressive. probably the best fish in the whole community. the next pair the male was and still is pure evil! even tangled with my buttikoferi. killed two firemouths and a managuense before i realized that it was him. thought it was the managuense
would take everyone's suggestions and advice, not to say it is unworthy, and be prepared for things not working out and go for it. you may get lucky.