Jewel Trigon 190


New Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Hi all,

I hope you all had a great weekend.

I'm seriously considering upgrading to a Jewel Trigon 190, after I have done a little more reading up on these forums of course, and I have a few questions you may be able to help with!

Are these tanks suitable for planted/tropical aquariums? As the few reviews I have read has described them as marine fish tanks, which is not what I want.

I have noticed these tanks are fairly round at the front, are they ok for having a established amount of fish so I can build up a little community, with regards to surface area etc?

Finally, I was also curious as to the extent of maintenance these tanks required?


S :good:
All your worries should be laid to rest :) yes there fine for FW communities, maintenance may be a little more tricky but more or less the same and surface area shouldnt be too bad :)

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