Jewel Filter Media


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
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I currently have a Jewel Rekord aquarium with the standard filter box. On the advise of a bloke in the LFS now my tank is established I've only got the blue sponges in there, 3 instead of the normal 2(with the white one on top). Does anyone know of any problems that may arise with not having the black (carbon) pad or the gree (nitrate) pad?
What you have is fine.
There is some doubt about the nitrate sponge actually working. Carbon will only be needed if you want to get rid of a medication or bogwood stains.
Ive had Juwel tanks for many years :good:
Ditto all the above :good:
Cheers guys, that's put my mind at rest.
How often do you change your filter media. I clean them whenever they look really grim in some tank water and then change them about every 6 months. Do you need to change the media for any reason or could you just keep cleaning them?
Well, I clean the filter floss every 2 weeks and replace it after 2 cleans or so. Regarding the rest of the media, I squeeze the dirtiest sponge in tank water in a bucket when i notice the current slowing down. This is usually every few months. Ive had my Rekord 70 for 4 years now and changed the sponges once. Not all in one go mind, gradually. Juwel state that the media should be replaced every 6 months but you really don't need to and they only want more money from you.
Cheers guys, that's put my mind at rest.
How often do you change your filter media. I clean them whenever they look really grim in some tank water and then change them about every 6 months. Do you need to change the media for any reason or could you just keep cleaning them?

if you are careful when you clean these things they can last for years! though you cant blame the LFS for trying to sell more gear, but in reality there is no need. however if you do need to change them, do it one section at a time, giving ample time for the lost media to regenerate. i have heard it said its worth changing the sponges in smaller filters, half a sponge at a time.

I've got a Record 70 & a Trigon 190.
I keep two fine and a course sponge in the 70 and 3 fines and a course in the 190. No nitrate or carbon sponges. (I dose nitrate anyway)
I don't bother with the Juwel white floss, either. I buy pond filter poly sheets (about a quid for a square meter) and cut it to size. About thirty replacements for a fraction of the price.
It does tend to be a little thinner than the Juwel pads so I use 'em for a week then bin 'em :rolleyes:
Both tanks are EI so when I do a weekly water change I tend to pull the sponges and rinse them in tank water. After two years, I've only replaced one fine sponge in each tank, but then it's heavily planted and not too highly stocked so they don't get so clogged.
Not bad filters, though the pumps are a little basic.
I just got a Rekord 80 and it came with 3 sponges plus the filter floss. I dumped the carbon one immediately, and i shaved an inch off the white sponge so that i could put the sponge from my previous filter (Elite Stingray) in. With the nitrate sponge i cut a box out of it, so that i could put the media cartridges of my old filter inside along with additional media i had hanging in a bag in my old tank.

For a DIY job, i may make a rectangle plastic box somehow that slips right into that section so that i can put all my media in properly which will allow me to clean it out with ease.

Also my rekord 80 box that supports the filter and heater must have been mounted a tad bit too high, because when you attach the tube to the filter so it pumps the water out, it was slightly above water and obviously splashed and made a noise - not good when you sleep in the same room, so i cut 1cm off the middle of the tube and superglued it back together along with duct tape, now it is perfect and just under water - NO NOISE!!!


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