Jewel Cichlids


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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if my brother gets a bigger tank for graduation, i want to put all of our fish in there and get some jewel cichlids for our other tanks. I read that they only need 10 gallons, so would they be okay in my tank? If so what kinds of other fish, maybe catfish, can live with them. I know that they are really aggressive but I heard that they can live with botias though. dont know if its true.
i just did a quick search and apparently they need a minimum 30 gal for a single jewel so idont think theyd go into your 15 gal, good to see people have moved on.

:D :D :D :hyper:
mines a good 5" and higly aggressive, wouldnt put it in with smaller fish it can bully and i wouldnt put it in anything less than 30 gs

I have a 100 g tank and it uses all of it
oh, so any aggressive fish that can go in a 15? My brother wants some. And it wouldnt go with the other fish we have, wed only get some if he got a biiger tank for graduation, and thats tonight, and I know my aunt got one, but my mom may have made her return it because my mom doesnt seem to want another tank, but I think my dad likes them, because whenever we go to a fish store, he looks at the tanks, and says "oh this tanks nice, oh I like that fish." so maybe hell convince her to let my brother keep it and put some jewels in there.
If you get one it should be fine with a botia, but a breeding pair can and will destroy all other fish in the tank before and after laying eggs.

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