jellybean tank-mate


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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What can i put with a jellybean parrot
i wanted to put neons discus and angels
its a 75g i'm not sure if its dyed i'm gonna go to my LFS and see what they got
can i put em with those fish
What colour is it? I wouldn't always trust lfs's, they tell you a fish will be fine, you buy it then have to buy more when its not actually OK.
i dont know yet i'm asking u guys b4 i go to the LFS if they would be good in my tank i know for a fact that there jellybean parrots
so....will they wok with neons-angels-and discus
Not with neons, they are too small. And if you had angels as well, the angels would eat them. I'd say no to discus, they require excellent water conditions. Not sure about angels.
Jellybean parrots can be two different fish, depending on your location and the mood of the LFS.

The first is the simple Blood Parrot, dyed to funky jellybean colors. The second is a Parrot-convict hybrid.

Either way, I would not risk Angels or Discus with these fish, especially not Discus, and most especially if you've never kept discus before.

Neons do not go with cichlids.
I don't think you should do it because Jelly Bean Parrots are more agressive then other parrots. That is because they are a hybrid with the convict cichlid which is really agressive. Also jelly beans r usually dyed. I would go with just a normal blood parrot
Jellybeans are nasty little devils... I think the only things I'd risk keeping with them would be convicts, or other cichlids with a similar hyper-aggressive attitude so they can hold their own against the jellies.

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