Jellybean Parrot Tankmates


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
i am not asking for what i should stock my tank with, but what options i may have. i have a 55 gal that just finished setting up and cloned AND cycled it to ensure adequate growths of bacteria. i have added about a 1" juvie jellybean parrotfish into it. my common pleco will be going into it as a temp home until my 150 gal is bought and set up.

i was wondering what fish could go in there with it. i understand that even though the parents are both agressive types of cichlids, the jellybean parrot is docile and will easily get picked on by aggressive tankates. with this knowledge african cichlids seams to be out of the question then. i really want to avoid putting in angelfish as i really don't like them. what can go with the parrotfish?

tank stats (not counting ammonia, nitrite and nitrates- which are all good):

hardness- 12 dH
pH- 7.2
temp- 75-78F

thank you in advanced for any help


I've got some Congo Tetra's, Rainbowfish, Sterbai Corys and Davidsandsi Corys in with mine (won't mention the Angels too ;) )

However, just remember that mine are Blood Parrots - duh!

Jellybeans all have their own personalities.. All of the ones I've had were nothing close to docile.. all were/are complete terrors towards other male cichlids..

Blood parrots, convicts, severums could be kept with a jellybean.
Ooooooh no. It's BPs that are usually docile... jellybeans, on the whole, are terrors. Tankmates with similar aggression levels are recommended so they can fend for themselves. Like vancouver said, BPs and convicts are good options. A senegal bichir would be a nifty oddball tankmate to consider, too :)
thanks for all your help. i found out i misread the info. and that it was for parrots in general (mostly speaking of BP). i think i will go with convicts. maybe some severums.

i always wanted a senegal bichir, but don't they grow big? i really would like a variety of fish in the tank.

maybe i will add a BP though or maybe another Jellybean

will this be ok?

edit: could i put kribs in there? would it be better to set up a tank with african cichlids? now that i know JB Parrots are aggressive i think african cichlids are best to go. in general SA cichlids are usually pretty docile (or am i mistaken on this too).

what other fish could i put in there?

editx2: oops i just did some research, they seem to be labled as a SA cichlid. along with convicts. i hate research! this is probably wrong info, but it is getting late and i am getting tired and lazy :lol:.
Senegal bichirs get around 12", but they are long and skinny, so one would go well in a 55 gallon :)
They have nice thick scales and are well-protected, so they should be able to withstand any aggression from the jellybean if it should occur.

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