might be a silly question,im using the jbl diffuser,the spiral one,should the co2 bubbles come out of the little spout on top of it,or should they stay inside untill they burst,any help as always very much appreciated
They will bubble out of the top. I didnt find the JBL diffusor to be that great and now I bubble the CO into the outflow pipe of my canister filter which does a much better job.
Yep thats exactly what I found with mine, most of the CO2 just got wasted out the top.
The best thing to do is get a good cerematic diffusor or a CO2 reactor. I did a quick DIY jobbie and it is actually working really well for me (and is a lot easier to do then any of the other reactors I have seen). You just have to make sure that you flush the pipe every couple of months to stop it clogging up.
i think we are getting a liitle confused here,or at least i am i have an internal jewel filter,so no spray bar.the spout im referring to is on top of my jbl diffusor and the c02 bubbles come out of that and float around my tank,i just thought the spout was there to release the co2 bubbles into the tank.
Ahh ok if you have an internal filter them my method wouldnt work.
With the JBL diffusor the bubbles should spiral round and mostly dissolve before getting to the top. The CO2 will build up at the top and then bubble out of that little spout.
The problem is that the bubble they just goes straight to the surface and you lose that bit of CO2.
A good diffusor will disolve most of the CO2 into the water or at least break it into really small bubbles (like mist) that get circulated around the tank.