Jbj 24g W/ 150w Mh


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
The Story
Hi, well to make a long story short I started SW about 3 months ago with just a standard 29g tank and a POS 18w light. And we all know that wont get you anywhere in nano reefs... So while researching about what tank I would get I began to lean towards the 24g JBJ or the 29g BC. Then one day while visiting the vividaquariums.com store in Canoga Park, CA; they hit me with a deal I could not pass up. A 24g JBJ with a K2 150w viper light w/ a newish 14k Ushio bulb. It also came with 3 pumps: a rio 290gph, 550gph, and one really small one, also a Saphhire skimmer and a Calc reactor, which is up for grabs if you willing to swap for a small 2-4 polyp zoa frag (looking for something pink or blue). A picture of what I have with the Calc is below! Anywho I got this rather sweet setup for not 400 not 300 but 250$$$. See told you I couldn't pass it up!!! Well on to the pics and I hope you enjoy! Please tell give me any suggestions, thanks!

The Pics
eggcrate top to save fishies from going free willy on me!!

some recent tank shots



life on the reef or at least what will come out for shots


and that calc I was talking about

Anyways thanks for looking and have a wonderful day!
Beautiful! I love the viper. I was about to get one but the lfs didnt have one so I got the Sunpod. So tell us some super details.
Details, eh? Well to start off there is:
1 x False Perc
3 x Dwarf Red Tip Hermits
1 x Neon Orange Hermit
3 x Margarita Snails
2 x Nassarius Snails
1 x Sand Sifting Star
1 x Fire Shrimp

My corals include:
1 x GSP
1 x Xenia frag
1 x Mushroom frag
1 x green Zoa frag which I split into 2 when I put in tank

As for the viper I love it the only thing I want now is to add some sort of actnic lighting to simulate a sunrise/sunset. And from what I said above I'm looking for a pink or blue zoa to add but also I would like to get a orange ric.
chrissaysyes - you mean that wire guard that came with the viper? if so... NO too security light like and i didnt see much of a point in it
haha it serves no point other than to make your light look evil :D I didnt feel like squeezing it into the already full trash can so i snapped it on there. It looks so industrial.
Tank looks great. That Halide shimmer really makes it stand out :)
Small note but I noticed several of you with Nanos dont have much sand, like a 1/2 inch layer if Im looking right. I doubt it is by preference since the number of you seem to show otherwise. Is it for a functional reason?
Unless you're using a DSB (deep sand bed) theres no reason to have a thick layer of substrate...this could potentially lead to the build up of toxic gases. Most people choose a thin layer because it's safer, it looks better when the substrate is below the black bottom brace/rim of the tank, and with most people going with live sand--its cheaper.
Easier to clean too :good:

Interesting...glad I caught this detail. I have some black aragive (sp?) which really looks nice but with incoming live rock, there is a lot of water displacement in my already pinner 13 gallon custom.

Only wish I didnt buy a 20lb bag. :rolleyes: Oh well
Thanks guys.
You could probably rinse the left over an store it somewhere and use it later...it wont be live but if you need to top off your substrate it would be good to use.
Just to clarify, a deep sand bed is not dangerous to tank inhabitants. Anaerobic conditions will indeed produce toxic gases but these will be rendered harmless by contact with oxygen. In the main tank it is largely a matter of aesthetics and whether one wants to keep lagoonal animals or not. Either is fine really.

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