Java Moss..


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
From what i understand, java moss wont grow on gravel alone. can i use the plastic from berry containers (you know, the green meshy stuff) to hold the moss down so it grows to be a carpet? i could tangle the moss in it or something with it pinned under the plastic then put down in the gravel..

Plant nub here ;(
From what i understand, java moss wont grow on gravel alone. can i use the plastic from berry containers (you know, the green meshy stuff) to hold the moss down so it grows to be a carpet? i could tangle the moss in it or something with it pinned under the plastic then put down in the gravel..

Plant nub here ;(

definetly, i saw that being done in another article
:p thats where i got the idea from but i wasnt sure if one layer would work, in the tutorial it's doubled over.

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