Java Moss..


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
San DIego
I got some moss and a slate at the lfs. i got home and realized that i had nothing to hold it to the slate. with little options, i ran across the street and bought some hairnets. gay, i know. but it held the moss to the slate like a charm. i just hope it takes. had to jump through hoops to convince the wife that a planted take will be worth the money. hehe. spent about 170 usd on plants and equipment the past couple weeks.
I got some moss and a slate at the lfs. i got home and realized that i had nothing to hold it to the slate. with little options, i ran across the street and bought some hairnets. gay, i know. but it held the moss to the slate like a charm. i just hope it takes. had to jump through hoops to convince the wife that a planted take will be worth the money. hehe. spent about 170 usd on plants and equipment the past couple weeks.

Not gay at all, it's what I used. Totally cool. :good:

I have an inability to grow java moss, so good luck to you. There are a few of us here. :rolleyes: I can grow myriophylum, rotala macrandra, and other high-tech wonders, but java moss gets me all the time.

My moss grows like a weed (sorry lljdma06 + fishkiller_nomore :D ) just make sure you don't put it on too thick to start. Once it thickens up just trim it like hair.
Hi, sorry to hijack your thread, but could some please tell me what plant that is in Ryo's pic (signature)? The plant I'm asking about is the one at the front (bottom) of the tank, below the cardinal tetra.
Good luck with the moss monte... I can get it growing slowly, but it is brown and scraggly and not very attractive. I hope this will change once I get my co2 running in the tank.
Check out his journal for more info, link is in his sig :) that'll answer your question
Check out his journal for more info, link is in his sig :) that'll answer your question
I did check out Ryo's plant journal - the link is to his 60L tank but the pic in his sig is his 120L, but there arent any updates as to what that plant (grass) at the front is!
i`ve just addes some to my tank too its a very dark green at the moment i`m hoping its going to spread a bit
ey2006 - the pic is my 60L, and 10points to fishkiller_nomore it is dwarf hairgrass- two types -
Eleocharis parrulus and Eleocharis acicularis.

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