Java Moss Going Brown


New Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I purchased quite a bit of java moss off of ebay (from Malaysia) and noticed its described as being grown "Emerged" not submerged.
Its been in my tank tied to my bog/driftwood for about a month now and its not really done any growing to be honest,
and quite a bit of it has turned brown. All the plants I put in there at the same time are thriving.
I use flourish and flourish trace weekly.
Any ideas on this? is it just undergoing change? or should I ditch it and repurchase some proper "Submerged" grown Java moss??
keep it for another month and you should see an improvement, if not, i would bin it.

next time, just buy the regular flourish.

Flourish trace is a watered down version of flourish!
If you want some more let me know. I have a mass of the stuff, all grown submerged in a mature tank.

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