Java fern quarantine?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Delaware, USA
Hey all,
Yesterday I bought my betta some java fern, only it was in an aquarium with several fish.
I know you quarantine new fish before adding them to an aquarium, should I do something similar for the Java fern? :huh: I was thinking I could add some medication to kill any bacteria, but I only have Jungle fungus eliminator (which can be hard on plants) and another generic antibacterial medicine.
Maybe I could just keep it seperate and do some water changes on it before putting it in?
Or am I just being paranoid? :look: Any ideas?

Thanks! :fun:
Plants can bring in unwanted inhabitants , I rinse my new plants well , and maybe a couple of quick salt baths the first few days. I keep them in a separate tank for a week or 2 while doing partial water changes , but I'm a little paranoid .

I've heard of diluting bleech for baths , but never tried , cuz I don't know how safe it would be .

Even meds that are said to be safe for plants can have adverse affects .
I am going to go buy some Java fern or Java moss tonight for my new tank. I don't have a separate tank to quarantine the plant.... Can I just put it in water for a week or so, or does it need to be in a tank with a filter?
I let my plants soak in ice cold water for 20-30 minutes and then put them in my main tank. Never had a problem since.

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