Java Fern Not Doing So Good


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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Hi there
I had purchased java fern from my LFS and placed it in my tank. Ive tied it to a few flat rocks and was waiting it to start growing. To begin with, i have a 20 gallon tank with a few fish and i have a Diandra as well. I have a 17watt T8 18inch and ive added a reflector to it. The diandra is doing very good as a matter of fact. But i cant say the same about the fern. It has a lot of slightly blackish leaves, though new ones are growing from the rhizome. There are a lot of roots that are sticking out of the rhizome and have attached themselves to the rock. However, the roots have some grayish cluster around them and look kind of "rotting". What should i do with them? Cut them off or remove the plant completely? I mean, Ive been using the Seachem complete plant supplement and potassium. The Diandra is growing like crazy and there is algae in the tank. That only means that there is enough nutrient in the water for growth. I just recently took out my DIY co2 reactor( had a little mishap with it). So what are my options with the plant? Remove it or treat it? Do reply as i don't know what to do with it!

i wouldnt say entirely black leaves...more like black spots on them and it looks like rot around the effected area. So i shouldnt get rid of it and let is grow. Its been over 3 weeks now and im guessing its done acclimating to the tank. What about the roots?
are the spots on the underside of the leaves? They might be just new plantlets forming.

Now you have said that i seem to remember that on my java fern it had black patches on, it is probably just a normal thing.

java fern are really slow growers so will have to wait a few more weeks before you see any signs of improved growth.

As for the roots, it might be BBA, or dead BBA, because you have recently took off your CO2 (BBA is related with low/ fluctuating CO2)
As Aaron says cut the black leaves off. I often see this on plants that are new to the tank and yet to attach. Eventually you will have removed all of the original leaves and be left with nice lush leaves that grew within your own tank.

The roots will get the fuzz around them until they attach. Once the plant is established then the roots will be unaffected and look like cotton thread.

Don't be afraid to hack away at plants like Java Ferns. They are much faster growing and stronger than we are led to believe by many 'experts'. I tend to cut mine back from a 1½ft diameter and hundreds of leaves to a third of its size sometimes otherwise it would fill my tank up.


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