Jartiles305's Crowntail Pics


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Picked this guy up in my local Petsmart. He was the only CT there among tons of VTs. I had been looking for a PK for a while but along came this CT and well I decided to pick him up. He's a CT with short finnage (defect?), and his pectoral fins look pretty good. He's an aggressive little guy, spends his entire day flaring around. It seems as if he is on display 24/7.

Thoughts? Decent find for 6 bucks, I think.





Sorry for the bad pictures, nearly impossible to take a picture of this guy.
He's a pretty boy. :) The short rays probably just mean he's young... one of my CTs had short rays when I first got him but they're getting longer. ^_^
He really is gorgeous and for the price it's amazing.
Ship him over to England for me :lol:
Well, dang--Petco is getting some nice looking CT's. I was over there today and they had some nice ones. I will say they have it over Petsmart in that there's a type of air opening in the plastic cup. Great looking guy! He knows it too yah think?
He's gawgeous! =) I really, really love his coloring and his little flare. He'll probably get longer black rays as he grows up. Have you named him yet?
Very nice find! There's hope for Miami yet! What are you going to call him?
:drool: :drool: I would flare all day if I was that handsome.

:*) how much is 6 bucks in UK money?
:drool: :drool: I would flare all day if I was that handsome.

:*) how much is 6 bucks in UK money?

It's about 3.42 GBP

Very nice find! There's hope for Miami yet! What are you going to call him?

I don't know. I never name fish, but I might have to think of something. Little guy got lucky I spotted him, his cup was extra dirty and with his small CT tails most would think he was just a tattered VT as you couldn't really see him flare. Maybe Fury? Spends his day attacking the glass, pretty furiosly, lol. :p
"It's about 3.42 GBP"
About? hehe

He really is nice, Wish i found ones like that in my lfs- let alone the price!

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