Jarring bettas!


New Member
Nov 20, 2004
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I am going to breed bettas some time soon and i just wanted to know when it is time for them to be jarred do the jars have to be heated?
Thank you!

-1 ghost discus
-1 marlboro red discus
-1 brown discus
-2 corys
-2 dwarf gouramis
-3 albino tetras
-1 balloon molly
Or at least have lamps above them. This method worked for me in temporary situations, and kept their water at a stable 78 or so degrees.
I agree with shrks1....I never heated the beanies, although many do that have a barracks system. I do heat the growouts, as the initial growing stages of fry do better with warmer temps, not to mention their immune system is much stronger at 82, than at 74. My house is easy to heat, so I just heat the entire room. I open the vent in the fish room, and close the ones in the other rooms somewhat. This makes my fish room warmer than the other rooms.

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