Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
A few Months ago I added 3 Japonica Shrmp to the tank.
Then forgot about them.
Noticd tham now that more plants have gone in.
See them in the early morning and late eves. They have changed to a Really nice Deep Blue color.
They like to congregate on the Filter and the Bogwood just below the surface, and will hold there own against the other fish. They look so nice against the wood and plants and are nice to see evry now and then going about there business.
Have not got any pix as hard to focus on.
LFS Had cherries and missed them.
Going to LFS to check on this weeks Delivery - Hoping Lots more shrimp varieties.
Then forgot about them.
Noticd tham now that more plants have gone in.
See them in the early morning and late eves. They have changed to a Really nice Deep Blue color.
They like to congregate on the Filter and the Bogwood just below the surface, and will hold there own against the other fish. They look so nice against the wood and plants and are nice to see evry now and then going about there business.
Have not got any pix as hard to focus on.
LFS Had cherries and missed them.
Going to LFS to check on this weeks Delivery - Hoping Lots more shrimp varieties.