Japanese Blue Featherfin Guppies


Fish Herder
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
essex uk (nr colchester)
I have a few adults and lots of fry, either £35 for the whole lot, or £10 for 10 fry, i can post at extra cost £8 per box.

All the fry carry the gene for the long finnage, some will be long finned and some short finned adults, short finned males will produce 75% long finned fry if bred with long finned females. If you breed short finned males with short finned females the percentage drops. The females are large and silver with lovely long finnage.
The male are either blue or snakeskin, with a combination of finnage they are all stunning.
They are from the same breeder as Gills if anyone remember his fish, and there is an excellent picture of one of his younsters that looks exactly the same as my fish. Im having issueing with posting pics.

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