jams Freshwater Journey


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2021
Reaction score
Northcoast, Ohio
4 years into keeping "Wet Pets" and "Underwater Gardening"
Still consider myself a "Novice", have had moderate success breeding Bolivian Rams and Electric Blue Acara.
Started with a 55g, a complete uneducated newbie. No knowledge but thought why not "I can do this".
Of course I tried to do it right. Or so I thought until I kept searching the web and Fish Forums kept popping up. Just the knowledge I gained as a "Lurker" was "Great". But... I had questions, only way to ask was join. Never participated before , my sons were amazed. So here I am, this is the 5th forum I have joined. Not as many posts and threads as others but..,
Been searching and kinda participating. Ok, that's enough of my history.
On to my journey...

First pic of the starter 55g.
New 55g - Copy.jpg

Remember this was 4 years ago.....

Stay Tuned...
That’s cool! A 55g tank is a really nice tank size. Lots of space for more stocking options. :)
I love your angels! They look enormous, but it could be perspective. I keep some in my large community and they have so much personality as a species (they can also be jerks).
Thank You to everyone for your positive comments. It been a very humbling journey thus far. I have learned so much and know I still have so much to learn.
My "Discus"dream did not turn out as I expected... it was eye-opening for sure, ended up getting 2 pairs from the group of 6. I got wigglers but never attached to the parents. Ended up selling them.
So I have been keeping African Peacocks and Haps for about 7 months now.
Here are some pics "Not the Best, but... just a few of them in their "New Home". I stocked the tank Sept last year, picked up juveniles at an auction the week before. All about 1" or so.

6x Sciaenochromis Fryeri “Iceburg”
6x Otter Point Jake Peacock (Aulonocara jacobfreibergi
6x Aulonocara Baenschi
6x Haplochromis Obliquidens

African 55 92022020.jpg
Africans 920 1.jpg
Africans 920 2.jpg
Africans 920 3.jpg
Africans 920 5.jpg

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