Jamie's Marine Tank


Apr 26, 2010
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Right! It's my first time doing this and I hope I have everything covered.

Tank size: 47*16*21 which is around 55US Gallons/240l


I will be making a sump for the tank which I have designed for. The list of things I have is just equipment, once I have all of that I will then get the substrate and LR to get cycling.

I'm not to sure of corals or anything yet but have SOME ideas. I think they will work but correct me if I am wrong.

Start Polyps
Toadstool Leather

Live stock:
A pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
4-5 Pajama Cardinals??
4 Green Chromis
1 Watchmans Goby

Ok, so the sump and list of equipment:



So that's everything I think. :good:
Wow, you sure are organised :good:

A few points:

If you are not drilling your tank, think carefully about the sort of overflow box you buy - you want an anti-syphon one such as the tunze one http://aquatic-store.co.uk/marine/view/1449 I am not advocating you buy from this store, it was just the first one I saw when I googled :p

Your fish list:

The cardinals could be a problem and the chromis most certainly will - chromis are horrid little beasts unless you can feed them many times a day and keep in a large group, I would say, forget them!

Really looking forward to watching this progress

Seffie x
Here is a rough guide of how i built mine Using a 29G tank... dimensions are all inches.View attachment 61881

Thanks very much, but water will be constantly pumped into the tank. As long as the dividers are the same size or smaller then the one before it the water will be forced over because of the increase in water volume! Also, about drilling the tank. Just had the company email me back and they said they wouldn't do it. I really don't want to drill the tank my self so i think it may have to be an overflow box. Any ideas on hwo the box works and if it is safe enough and won't flood my room!
OK I MIGHT NOT NEED TO GET IT DRILLED. The tank has two holes in the bottom where the external filter pipes go and stuff! I might be able to create this into an over flow by putting a pipe up to the level i want the overflow to be at which would then take the water down into the sump. The other whole I could block up or have the pump going in which pumps the water back in! Think this would work?!?!?

look up Durso Overflows, that is essentially what you are looking at building here. Using one hole for your overflow pipe and the other for the return from the sump should work.
Oh!!! This looks just what i need! Just read about it on their website and kidna get how it works but will need some help along the way! If i was to make one/buy one what would i need to do?

What is the chamber?
Im not that good with sumps, but pm Ski, i'm sure he will put you on the right track :good:

Seffie x

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