Jaffa The Bn


Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2011
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Just thought I'd share some photos of my newest addition, Jaffa the Marble Bristlenose, and his colour changing adventures (I assume he's a he, too early to tell of course).
The first picture is taken as soon as I got him home, still in the bag.  The next is about 2 weeks after.  And the third I took just now, nearly a month since I got him.

So, he's not very orange any more (except for his belly and a few small patches).  Will be interesting to see if he keeps changing colours as he gets older, or if this is how he's going to stay.  Regardless, he is pretty adorable.  He's very active and never hides, and isn't the least bit bothered by my other fish.

Sorry for the poor quality of the first two - they're all taken with the same phone, I don't know how the first two turned out so poor when the last looks pretty good :p
Nice fish you have there
... the first pic is just showing stress colouration by the looks of it and that's why it is so drastically different to now.... but calico's often lose alot of there orange as they grow but i would imagine his/her latest coloration is pretty much how he/she will stay.
Again, really nice fish you have

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