Jade puffer?


New Member
Dec 9, 2003
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I just found a great looking puffer at the lfs that is labeled a jade puffer. I have read some info and it looks like this is just another name for a ceylon puffer perhaps. This puffer at the store looks about like a figure 8 only a lot fatter and a little longer right now (2.5''?) Does anyone have some info on these guys because I'm thinking of buying it for my 29 gallon brackish tank. They also have an avocado puffer in that tank too, does anyone know much about these? It looks like a regular skinny fish almost but it has the puffer teeth. Also, the jade puffer was $27.99 and avocado is $17.99, are these decent prices? Sorry for all the questions but I would be greatful for some info. Thanks!!
Wait, puffernet is very outdated and is very worng in most cases. I'm sorry Many A Molly for second guessing your links. I just had the same problem with puffernet, I thought that my LFS had mislabled one of my Green Spotted Puffers (Tetraodon nigroviridis), and Green (Ceylon) Puffer (Tetraodon fluviatilis). (Very confusing, I know! :blink: ) Anyways, puffernet tells you that T. nigroviridis is more tropedo shaped and has bigger spots than T. fluviatilis. Which is very wrong because size is a very bad thing to catogorize a species by because puffers have differant diets that make them fatter or skinnier. And one of my Green spotted puffers has huge spots while the others have very small spots.

Anyways, yes the Ceylon puffer is very frequently called the Jade puffer. But just to be sure, here are soem ways you can really tell if its a Ceylon puffer. It has a quite a bit of small dark spots scattered along the sides of itself below the saddle-like dorsal markings that show very clearly against the background color of the fish. Good Luck, I hoped this helped!
Hi wonkadog

I would have to agree with pufferfreak, Puffernet has quite a bit of incorrect info. A good site for ID's is Puffer Island , the site is Japanese but there are some great pictures there.
I have seen Tetraodon cutcutia referred to as Avocado puffer (they are FW BTW), but I saw some puffers in one of our lfs a couple years back that were labled as Avocado puffers and they looked more like the one you describe, which I think is one of the Auriglobus species, possibly Auriglobus nefastus - Greenbottle puffer.

p.s. those prices seem pretty close to the ones around here for a 2.5 inch puffer
thanks for the info on puffernet guys, won't use it for people interested in puffers anymore then.
Petshop Johnny,
Usually when you take a puffer out of the water, yes they will puff out. That's why you shouldn't take them out of water ever. Instead, take a clean container, fill it with the tank's water and kind of scoot the puffer into that. When puffers puff up with air they have a very good chance of dieing because air gets trapped inside of them.
Many_A_Molly, yes, I just learned this about puffernet a few months ago. It almost caused my puffers to die. :-( :crazy: :X

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