Jade Hermit Crabs

They were always "the diamond in the ruff" for the pet store I used to go to because they occasionally came in with shipments of Bluelegs. I have never seen them for sale under the name "Jade Hermit" - never even seen any type of info at all for them, in fact. If I found some, I would buy them immedietly and without hesitation. I guess you can say that I liked them a lot! :drool:

In my experiences, they are similiar in temperment, physical characteristics, and behaviour to Bluelegs; if not a little more docile.

yeah i liked there look 2 .......... but on saltwaterfish.com theres no temperment info. it says there verocious alge eaters. appaeantly not many people have much experiance with them.
but if you say there like bluelegs or more docile, i think im getting some. :good:

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