Jack, My New Baby


Fish Crazy
Jun 23, 2006
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so, here's the story about jack...
a good friend's boyfriend was at the gas station, when suddenly, in the middle of a busy highway, some people rolled down their window and threw a puppy out. he was injured by the fall (of course), so her boyfriend took him to the vet where he was treated and recovered quite fast. neither he nor my friend could take the dog, so they had no choice but to take him to the animal shelter.

i had recently lost a dog (he was stolen, i believe), whom i loved very much. i never did find him. anyways, after hearing this little dog's story from my friend, i felt compelled to take him, so we went to the shelter. they told us that they wouldn't adopt dogs out that weren't on the adoption floor yet, and he was still in the back. unfortunately, they were too lazy to open their 20 extra kennels and put him out on the floor, so they informed us he would be put to sleep that day. my friend and i pitched an absolute FIT and threatened to get all sorts of animal welfare groups involved. they got so irritated with us that finally they just gave us the dog. i couldn't be happier. :D the animal shelter hates me now, but at least i saved an innocent puppy from a ridiculous death.

he's a chesapeake bay retriever mix, his name is jack, and he loves to chew on cars, brushes, his squeaky ball (as you will see in the picture), and kitty cats. :p and i wuv him very much. :wub:

yummy squeaky tennis ball!

look at the kitty!

WHO could abandon a face like that?! :-(
Wow, seeing that happen to any animal would haunt me(and make me write down their plates!). Its a shame the rescue would put down a puppy so quicky without giving it a chance. Glad the HS i volunteer at gives even elderly animals a chance.
I commend you on your good works and dedication to save the puppy. I'm surprised how outgoing and friendly he still is after a tragedy like that. But he sure is a cutie! :)
he's only about six months old... so i'm hoping he will forget most of what happened to him. :no:
awwwwwww bless , he is so sweet!

its a sad story what has happened to him , and what almost happened :(

but it is great to know he is now in a happy loving home being spoilt rotten bless he really is sweet!
What a face, indeed!

Jack has that knowing look. So glad you rescued him from such a terrible fate.
he does have rather stunning eyes, doesn't he? i think they're beautiful. :wub:
What a terrible story, poor Jack! At least he got a happy ending :wub:
Poor Jack, well done you for your hissy fit, he certainly is gorgeous and deserves what he now has. :wub:
That is one adorable dog! I cant believe that someone would chuck a dog out of a car on a busy road! Unfortunately its not the first tale I've heard of this! My friend down in wales now has a yorkshire terrier actually 3 now as one was chucked out of a car! She spent a fortune geting this dog into good health and although she is an elderly dog she is so loving! My friend bought a puppy to keep her company and then recently got the third one so that the youngest doesnt get too lonely when this one eventually passes on although she certainly doesnt look anywhere near ready to go!

Good on you for kicking up a stink at the rescue centre to get him! :good:
congratulations on rescuing him! he looks like an absolute cutey!!

when i did work experience at the RSPCA err *counts* about 11 years ago now (goddamn i'm getting old!) there was the most adorable staffy in isolation, he had been chucked out of a car, and dragged, his skin was sloughing off down one side, it was horrid! but he was the most adorable sweet dog, he healed and was rehomed to a family with 2 small children.

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