jack dempseys


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
UPPER Michigan
I just bought my first cichlid he is about 5 inches and I am loking for others to keep with him. I heard somewhere that africans only get along with others from the same lake or stream and should not be kept with the american types. but the african cichlids are just so damn cute...so is it possible to keep the two types together?
hi juan-welcome to the forum hopefully i can help you out.

so is it possible to keep the two types together?no :/ i mean it's been done but it aint good for the fish :( that's if you are asking about malawi or any of the rift lake cichlids.
africans need hard water ph around 8 or higher but 8 is fine,the dempsey is an american cichlid which prefer softer water (my ph is 7.2) for my green terror and carpenti-for my tanganyikans (also african)my ph is just above 8.

another reason for not mixing them is body language,they have totally different ways of telling each other to STAY AWAY!!or this is MY CAVE,which results in alot of fighting.
Thanks for the info there. I am really newe to keeping these fish I have 2 pirhanas and just wanted something different and so far I am very happy with the results!!!
glad i can help :) good luck

do you still have the pirhanas??
yeah I still have the pirhanas Doc and duke they are currently engaged in a dominance battle to see who will eat first. doc has always been a bit smaller but he is now getting a bit out of line
what kind are they? red? black?i had a black P before,he was kinda boring coz he'd only eat when the lights were out.being that tankmates are really hard to come by,one day i bought a large blue lobster that i put into it's tank thinking it would be ok as long as it had a place to hide just in case things got ugly but he(the P) flipped out one night and shredded the lobster.after he and my 2 red bellies died i never went back to them (pirhanas).
well my pirhanas are red bellies but I have been doing alot of research into all pirhanas and from what I have read not only are the black pirhanas (Serrasalmus niger) very skittish like all pirhanas( a defense mechanism to prevent injury from prey) but they are also the most rare of all of the pirhanas!!!!!!!!! and they are also the most nitorious for having the worst tempers. it isn't unusual for a pirhana to act like an oscar and jump out of the tank when they think that you are going to feed them. but for most predetors the act of hiding serves two perpouses it keeps them safe and keeps them out of sight for when they do finally go after dinner.
at the time i didn't know much about pirhanas except that the black P was very rare(wow i just realized it was more than 12 yrs ago)i knew the owner of the lfs and i got a great deal for him(like 15$$)i think it was half price B) .

once i get a house and have enuff room i'll try them again,i'd really like to have atleast a 125g and start w/like 5,6 of them.

:fun: :fun: :fun: MAN NOW I WANT PIRHANAS :sick: :look: :S
I have a male jack dempsey in a 30 gal tank I have had him for a week and want to look into placing a female with him is that an advisible move?
if you give jack one female he will either take her or kill her...if you give him a few females the strogest will survive.I had a male with 2 females before...was a few years ago.I had them lay eggs a bout 10 days or so apart too in the same tank..actually had 2 clutchs swimming male catered to both mamas.& he was my bad a** jack.sure glad new jack is more mellow...well kinda...he did he his 4 tank mates.he only keept the female so he would have someone 2 bully round,when my pleco ain't hideing.LOL
I'd go with a few...dude deserves a choice 8)

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