Jack Dempsey X Parrot Cichlid


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
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Hi would this work if i tried 2 cross my jack dempsey with my parrot cichlid . I'm not sure of the sex of the jack dempsey but i have 3 sother shud be a female in there. I no my parrot cichlid is a male but i dont no whether he is fertile. Thanks Matt
right... two problems wrong with this...the two fish that suposedly make this fish are both " cicholasama" (soz for spelling ), the severum formerly being " heros " but the JD is of a family of usually large and aggresive fish called the " nandopsis " such as the jaguar cichlid, the dovii, and the salvini.
i dont think its posible. but they may pair... its just the eggs wont be fertile.
hope that helps
Thanks it has answered my question .But what would breed with my parrot .Thanks Matt
if it is a male, nothing most likely, MOST male bloodparrots are infertile..... but that leaves alot of open choices with the females, they can deffinetly cross breed with a convict, and possibly some other cichlosama fish, ive heard of texas and BP before but i have yet to actually see a picture,
yourt best bet to deffinetly get young would be a male convict.
i supose other fish in the convicts family could also such as the sajica and the jade eye, or my babies wich are a cross between all three of them!
i sugest it will be trial and error, but you will find a mate for it eventually.

*edit* there is always a chance that your male bloodparrot will produce fertile eggs with a female fish of anotehr species, only this is alot lower percentage.
Thanks it has answered my question .But what would breed with my parrot .Thanks Matt

The severum thing IMO is bull.

BP's can cross with many cichlids so I dont see why a JD wouldnt work.So far the only fish I have seen to cross with a JD are convict and texas although there probably is more.
a male jd would completely batter to within an inch of its life if not kill the female blood parrot.
i wouldnt advise it, but in theory they probably can crossbreed.

AND i didnt say the parrot was a RD and a SEV, i meant its the most common theory behind it, we all know that the bloodparrot is a hybrid between several south american fish such as the flowerhorn,
if youve seen a VIEJA+MIDAS hybrid they look like kongs only less deformed.... if not a GOOD kong.
a male jd would completely batter to within an inch of its life if not kill the female blood parrot.
i wouldnt advise it, but in theory they probably can crossbreed.

AND i didnt say the parrot was a RD and a SEV, i meant its the most common theory behind it, we all know that the bloodparrot is a hybrid between several south american fish such as the flowerhorn,
if youve seen a VIEJA+MIDAS hybrid they look like kongs only less deformed.... if not a GOOD kong.

JD's are not as mean as a lot of people think, I used to keep a large male JD with parrots(3 at the time)and they were not interested in each other in the slightest.The JD would however pick fights with the jaguar cichlid I had in there(who the parrots would stic up for).Many people keep and breed flowerhorns with parrots and they are a million times more aggressive than jack dempseys.
Mine is in with 2 more JDs and my parrot and they dont seem to be nasty only the parrot chases them around abit.
FH+BP ? never heard of or seen that before.... any pics or a site?

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