Jack Dempsey Help


New Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Tucson, AZ, USA
I have two Jack Dempseys and only one has the white spots on it. One is 5" and the one with the spots is 3". I already treated for ick and it didn't clear the spots. I am guessing it is something else. Any ideas? The sick one doesn't show it color much anymore and is almost palish. You will see in pics hopefully. The spots are on the high sides of it. Also any reason why one would have it and not the other? I have had them for about half a year with no changes to tank. I do a 25% water change every weekend in a 20 gallon tank. Thanks for any input.


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It's a little cutie got lovely eyes.
How big are the spots, any circling of red around the edges, or a spot in the centre of the spot.
Does the fish flick and rub.
The fishes behaivior is fairly normal. It seems to be scared of me since it developed the spots. There are no red spots it is just some white flakes on the upper sides. It has lost its color and sits on the bottom alot. My temp is in the high 70's and it always hangs right around the heater or at bottom. Thanks for any help.
I would try a bacterial med then if you have tryed a parasite med, and there no signs of flicking and rubbing.
Good luck.
Can I try different meds? I mean can I do a parasite one and then a day or two later if not cured try a fungus one? Thanks
Only treat a desease when you know what it is.
I would try the bacterial route first as it not soundling like a parasite at the moment.

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