If your looking to keep teacup stingrays, even Motoro SR's you'll want at the VERY least, a 50g tank ('US gal'). And For best results have the pet store keep the ray in a 50 gallon minimum for about 1-2 weeks to monitor it and make sure it's healthy. The pinker the underbelly the more stressed it is. Also, if your looking for additional fish for the ray tank, go for BIG fish, were talking Iridecent sharks, and things, even Jardinis will do.
<-- me bing an employee of the LFS here, (a good one
) not like PJ's or some other corperate uncaring establishment... (I don't like the way they handle customers, could you tell?)
. We've had Motoro's and Teacups in for about 2 months now, and the first one to go that went within 2 days of it comming into the store, died very fast, and the rest that were given to 2 week rest period have been just wonderfull. One of my coworkers bought our first Motoro, he knows EVERYTHING about rays, so if anyone has a question that stumps me, I can ask him
PS: Once your ray is used to the tank and YOU, you'll love feeding it by hand
BE FOREWARNED, the stinger is very dangerous, do not approach it from above or behind, let it come to YOUR hand. Than it will just smother your hand and gobble up the food. I'm sure you all know that a sting will hostiptalize you, but do not let that discourage you. If you don't want to put your hand in to feed it, you don't have to.