i've thrown in the towel


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds/Manchester, UK
thats it........i've had enough of guppies i have way too many babies and they just keep giving birth first thing tomorrow i am taking the adult guppies back to the shop! i just had to get it off my chest
Throw in the towel if you want, but if I were you I would try seeing people who are very close to you and see if they would be interested... Are you sure the stores would take the guppies? Not too sure but anything is possible... If I were you I would throw in a couple of strange male guppies and female and see what comes out of it before you throw in the towel... Might even create a new breed "probably" :p
Could you put them with something that eats guppy fry naturally? Like angelfish or synodontis sp. ?
Alien Anna said:
Could you put them with something that eats guppy fry naturally? Like angelfish or synodontis sp. ?
If you want i Guess???
But isnt that cruel.
Before you bough guppies you should have read up about them and it would have told you that they breed very easy.
I wasn't actually being serious in this case, but many cichlid owners deliberately put fish in their tanks who eat fry, to prevent over-population. I don't think it's cruel because it's not as if you're putting feeder guppies in a piranha tank and leaving them there until they are hunted down - many fish eat their own fry, let alone predators. That's why fish produce so many fry - nature doesn't expect most of them to make it.
It's not cruel, Guppy Mad, it is nature.

If you leave the fry in the tank with the parents they will eat them themselves. The nutrition they get from them will make them stronger and the next batch of fry will be better off for it.
sometimes i get a bit fed up with my livebearers breeding so much but , i do like the fry its just i do regret filling my tank with them no wi wish i just got two platys and tow mollys -_- :blink: :unsure:
Cull Cull Cull

Pick only the best two males out of your fry - one for color and one for size, then pick the strongest four females and get rid of the rest. Keep on doing this and you may get some nice fish. Or only keep the good looking males

This will prevent overpopulation and help keep the strain strong.

How to get rid of the unwanted fry ?

Put in a two rearer tanks ( seperate the sexes) until they are big enough to sell to the local LFS. You will NOT make money but at least the fish survive.

Give them away as feeder fish to friends - maybe the local LFS ( best option for me)

Kill them - cleanest way is to use a scalpel and take their heads off.

and remember - always KILL or use as feeders deformed or mis shapen guppies - there is already too much damage to the gene pool to allow them to survive and reproduce.

do not give up.

:nod: :fish: :fish: :fish:
no i would not like to cull my guppie fry, i have given the adult guppies back to the shop and i now going to raise the fry and then give them away when they are big enough and no more guppies after that i just cannot cope anymore
You are a kind hearted soul, Jht. And in today's world, that's not a bad thing. :)

I really hope that this experience does not discourage you from keeping fish. There are so very many beautiful fish available for you to choose from that I know you will find a selection that will make you happy.

Consider any of the egg laying fish; they do not readily breed.

You already have a cycled tank going so it is not too soon to start thinking about the new fish you will get. Why not give yourself a week or two to get over this trauma and then put in a few corydoras. They are delightful little fish and they will get along with the young guppies. Then as your guppies grow larger you can begin adding other fish.

Good luck, Jht. I hope you will let us know what fish you do get.
:D I'm so glad to hear that, Jht. Now, Christmas is coming and by then the guppies will be how old.............? LOL, LOL!!!! :lol:

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