I've Started Fainting Every Time I Smell Hospital Cleaner

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Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
I'd never fainted in a hospital for any reason until christmas eve when me and the OH went to pick up his dad from A&E (long story).

Within minutes of getting in there I started feeling faint, then became aware of the smell. Then fainted 3 times on the way out :rolleyes: I made more of a scene that his dad! lol.

I also have lectures in the unis medical school. Me n a friend recently learnt the short cut through the actual hospital part out through the main enterance cause it cuts off a load of time walking home.

I've walked through that way a few times now and hadn't even thought about the whole fainting incident at xmas cause I figured it was a one off. Then today I was just walking along as you do and I suddenly felt all faint and wobbly, THEN became aware of the smell again. I had two choice, either wait, sit down and risk fainting. Or walk very very very quickly and hope I get outside before a full blown faint. I decided the running option was best and recovered once I'd got outside :D Good choice I think.

I was just wondering if anyone else gets affected by strange smells? Inparticular hospital cleaner. I know I'm definitely not completely alone cause the day we went to pick up his dad my OH said he felt a bit faint. Not quite as full on as my 3 faints though(one of which in a random corridor... the doctor looked very worried when he saw me lol).
Not personally experienced anything like that (although I do feel nauseous at the smell of vodka and coffee), but smell is a very powerful sense so it makes sense (no pun intended) that a smell could do that to you. Think about smelling fresh baked bread or a particular meal that reminds you of being at home as a kid.

Also, if you ever have kids - might be worth planning a homebirth! ;) last thing you want is to pass out while pregnant!
That's the thing though... I can deal with the smell of all the 'gross' things. And equally am not even slightly squeemish... plus I've been to hospitals more than once in my life and it's never happened before.

Literally just *bam* lol. I wonder if maybe the NHS have changed their cleaning product :lol: :lol: :lol:
you know C101, that the midlands strategic health authority have recently overhauled there cleaning agents and gone for a universal disinfectant, which is now used throughout the east mids trusts. I also have noticed how the smell has become more 'hospital' like. I also know of others who cannot enter hospitals due to the smell. A few of these people have had hypnotherapy because of this!

you are not alone!
I just can't think how silly I looked earlier. I was trying to breath very carefully through my mouth whilst speed walking my way out of there. lol.

I'm going to persist. Like I say it's not as if I haven't walked through the hospital before without problem. And funnily enough I felt faint before I conciously noticed the smell. Oh well.

Interesting though that they have actually recently changed the cleaning fluid. And very nice to hear I'm not the only one. I just felt like such an idiot when we went to pick up my OH's dad and I apparently 'went green' and the look on the doctors face... priceless. :D
see, the more you think about it the more it will affect you. It's a difficult one, you could so with a small sample of the cleaner, like the samples you get in Boots. I'll send you some! :lol:
Like I said, I'm going to persist. Each time I felt faint before noticing the smell.

However if it carrys on then I may well take you up on that offer! :lol: :lol:
Hi my name is Bev I'm just new to this forum and I was very interested in what you wrote. Do you suffer from allergies? Don't feel bad about fainting in public places I've had my share when it comes to doing that. I haven't fainted over a smell as yet only from inflicted pain and something I've seen. You know whats funny about it? The first thing I get asked when I've bellied up is......are you pregnant? :)
Nope no allergies that I've found as of yet.

Tbh it did flit across my mind for a split second, then I was like...nah, no babies here lol. Just a slightly funny smell.
Thats good that your not an allergy sufferer. If you are really concerned you can ask your doc, its probably nothing to be concerned about. If you can faint from seeing and feeling then you can faint from smelling. :)

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