I've made quite a few "fish pictures", take a look


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I had no idea where to post this, but thought I'd start here and I know it may get moved :wub:

Everytime I see a picture I like I do a little graphic design to it in Adobe.

You are welcome to use one as a signature or whatever else if you'd like!! I only ask that my initials stay on (you probably won't even notice them anyway).

Just thought I'd share!!



Fish Photos
Hi silver :)

The pictures are lovely! :nod: Posting them here was such a thoughtful thing for you to do. ;)

I'll leave them here in Tropical Chit Chat so that members will easily find them.
Haha I missed the link the first time I looked at this thread.
Those are some fun pictures!!!
I'm glad you like them!
They are fun to do. I try to personalize each one to look the way I feel they should. Sort of an abstract deal.

I just thought that I have enough now to where I can share!! :*)

Those are awesome, very very nice work! I especially like the clown loach one... :D
I love them silver :thumbs: Coincidently my signature disappeared today :blink: , I think I may just use the betta one you have :kana:

Have you thought about entering some in the TFF OTM banner contests? You're really good :D
OK wait a sec... I have been using the ram one... and I just realized that it says ram IT... hmm I better becareful using your pics!!!
Adrinal.... :rofl: you know what...I kind of meant it as a "Just do it" type of concept. Should I change it to say just RAM??? I could easily do that!! Better yet, I will make one a little different that doesn't say the IT part. Check again in a minute....

silver said:
Adrinal.... :rofl: you know what...I kind of meant it as a "Just do it" type of concept. Should I change it to say just RAM??? I could easily do that!! Better yet, I will make one a little different that doesn't say the IT part. Check again in a minute....

No, Leave it... but I will blamb you if it ever gets me in trouble.
Its always good to have a scapegoat!
guppymonkey said:
Will someone please tell me how to add a picture to my signature?! I really want to add one of these but can't figure it out! :*)
Simply add
[img]http://the link to image here.com[/img]


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