Fish Fanatic
Three days ago my tiger barb just dissapeared Poof, has any one got any ideas where it could of gone?
lol i hada similar situation, i have 6 tiger barbs ad i was gazing at them and noticed that one was missing, i looked everywhere but he was on the bit the filter is and the gap is really small, he was about 3 mm from the surface, he looked ill so i turned off the light and the next day he was back to normal, my barbs are very small so i though that he jumped out! but he was on top of my fluval 3, do you guys think that the pump is too big for a 24x12x12 tank i mean teh water is like a jet when i have it on full blast!fishatron7429 said:a month or two, the dog can't get in my room kuz its locked all the time, it's a small tank but i was goin put him in the 30 gallon today, i think it might be my new filter that killed him, if he's dead