I've lost my barb!

what other fish are in ur tank?

have you got any gaps in your lid that it can jump out of?

have you checked under deorations, behind internal filters ect ect?

have you checked behind fish tank? in front of fish tank and to the sides of the fish tank?

do you have any household pets that could have eaten the fish if it did jump out?
The other fish in the tank are: red tipped shark, 4 platties, 1 dalmation molly, 3 tetras (penguin) and missing barb! have checked all around inside and outside the tank, do u reckon he's been eaten?
thanks ;)
did u know that tiger barbs/barbs in general are shoaling fish?

how big is your tank, what are ur water parem's at now mate?

if he had died in the tank... near enough all of them fish u listed would imo eat the dead un'

but there might be a noticable change in ur water parims... u know ammonia nitrite...

how long has the barb been in the tank?
a month or two, the dog can't get in my room kuz its locked all the time, it's a small tank but i was goin put him in the 30 gallon today, i think it might be my new filter that killed him, if he's dead
fishatron7429 said:
a month or two, the dog can't get in my room kuz its locked all the time, it's a small tank but i was goin put him in the 30 gallon today, i think it might be my new filter that killed him, if he's dead
lol i hada similar situation, i have 6 tiger barbs ad i was gazing at them and noticed that one was missing, i looked everywhere but he was on the bit the filter is and the gap is really small, he was about 3 mm from the surface, he looked ill so i turned off the light and the next day he was back to normal, my barbs are very small so i though that he jumped out! but he was on top of my fluval 3, do you guys think that the pump is too big for a 24x12x12 tank i mean teh water is like a jet when i have it on full blast!

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