I've had a new tank...


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
I went to an lfs' today and saw a 100cm x 40cm x 44cm set up with cabinet reduced from £500 to £250. The reduction was simply due to a minor defect that isnt even visible, and will have no impact on the fish at all. Luckily I have a very nice boyfriend who bought it as an early Christmas present for me.

So far I've only managed to get it into situ. I haven't even put the filter and heater into place yet but I couldnt wait to share it with you!!


I'll add more pics when I've got the equipment set up and sand in situ etc, and of course when I've got my fish in there too!
What Gallons is it? Nice tank though, very cool stand/hood. :)
It's 42 UK gallons which is just over 50 US gallons.

Thanks :D
Looks great Sun
but what is that thing on the bottom in the middle-back of the tank?
The-Wolf said:
but what is that thing on the bottom in the middle-back of the tank?
Its a glass support I think. Will get covered with the sand once I've washed it.
man that is th coolesy thing eve i wish i could go into my lfs and people would buy me 50 gallon tanks :lol:
Lovely big tank..........and not too costly either.......have fun planning it.!! :D

........oh........and do people still keep video copies of the Robocop movie.... :rolleyes: :hey: :hey:
Ava_Banana said:
Lovely big tank..........and not too costly either.......have fun planning it.!! :D

........oh........and do people still keep video copies of the Robocop movie.... :rolleyes: :hey: :hey:
:lol: We only have a video player in the bedroom so we have alot of films on video and DVD.
Do you know what brand that stand and hood is? I really like them and would like to look at the manufacturer, what else they make, and if they are available in the US.
ddreams said:
Do you know what brand that stand and hood is?
Do you know I have absolutely no idea. There are no identifying marks anywhere :dunno:

Doesnt say on my receipt either. Sorry :unsure:
Wow. Less than half price for a minor defect. Good job. How come I can't ever find deals like this? Anyway what is the defect, if you don't mind me asking?
Suflower I think that b/f needs a big "thank you" for that. :whistle: Thats a beautiful tank, can't wait to see it setup.
You lucky, lucky girl. :p My b/f has decided 5 tanks in our bedroom is enough. I say if i can still walk around, there's room to spare. :D
snowyangel said:
Suflower I think that b/f needs a big "thank you" for that. :whistle: Thats a beautiful tank, can't wait to see it setup.
You lucky, lucky girl. :p My b/f has decided 5 tanks in our bedroom is enough. I say if i can still walk around, there's room to spare. :D
heck ya, i wish i could say that to my parents but they sorta own the house :( :lol:

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