I've got gas...


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
Compressed gas that is... Tee hee.

I finally got my co2 canister today. I was supposed to get it on tuesday, but someone in the shop sent away my regulator becaus they thought it needed repair.

Anywho. Here's my baby. It's a five pounder. I think I'm gunna name him Ralph. lol. I like naming things.

I'm having problems with Ralph right now though. I have turned him on (he he he- I just read that again), and there is pressure, but I'm not getting any bubbles. I have the check valve going the right way, but there is nothing happening. I don't know how long it should take for the bubbles to come. I would think instaniously with pressurized.


I've figured out the bubble mystery. The check valve was stuck. I guess when I first turned on the gas it was too high, and pushed the springy thing up and it got stuck.
Thats excellent news. How much did you pay in the end? (if you don't mind me being nosey).

I've had mine running for 2 days and I love it. No more worries about changing mixtures :) It's great.
The canister, fill and regulator cost me 230CAD (106 GBD)

Only now I'm having problems with it. I get the bubbles going, probably around 5 psi, but when I go back over half hour later, they have stopped. It's like the canister can't consistantly put out a pressure that low. I have to turn it off, then on, then adjust the needle valve, and then I'l get bubbles for half an hour.

This morning I awoke to a tube full of water - thank goodness for the check valve that actually worked this time.

I'm going to have to call the company today to see what is happening with the pressure. Maybe I need a regulator that only goes to 30, instead of 100. Any suggestions as to what could be happening?
Ill take a guess.. :)

Its prob the needle valve... mines very sensitive, and it took a few days of 'dinking' with it to get it right...

100 psi is normal.... id run it at say 10-20 psi, then adjust the needle valve from there....

Ok. I've figured out the problem. It has to be the check valve. Today the line was full of water... even past the vavle, and it's always stuck. I may have to find a better one.

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