I've Got Fry


New Member
Sep 21, 2005
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North Somerset, UK
You might have seen my post the other day about some fry I saw after a water change, well I saw some more today and as the others kept disappearing I decided to catch them and put them in a breeding net.

Now what do I do, I've got 4 of them in the net, with nothing in it.

Do they need anything, to cling to or hid in?
How do I feed them?

All advice greatly received.

No they are fine without anything in the breeding net.

To feed them take the normal tropical fish flake and put it in a sandwich bag. Crunchh it up so it is really tiny... Small enough for them to fit in their mouth. It might take a few days for them to actually take some food so patience is required.

good luck :)
Thanks, I'll try that. I bought some liquid fry, but I didn't notice until I got home it was Number 3, is it too early for this, as they are only __ about that big.
Doh. At least you're well prepared for when they get a bi bigger ;)

Shelless brineshrimp eggs are highly nutritious and can be fed to fry as they are so very tiny. Full of protein... mmmm. I've noticed since I've been feeding my fry with the shellless eggs as well as flakes they've started growing a lot faster!
I woke up this morning and looked in the tank and the male rainbow was darting around the females like and idiot, then one female and the male disappeared 'into the bushes' and I saw her laying more eggs.

With that, 2 Neons started doing a little dance and they also disappeared into the bushes and laid some eggs.

Well, after all that, I thought the breeding net might get a little over crowded, so I've gone out and bought a little 40 uk litre tank, which I'm going to set up tonight. I should be alright if I put a load of gravel from the existing tank in it and fill it with the existing tank water shouldn't I?!?

Looks like I'm gonna need that liquid fry more than I thought. :lol:
I woke up this morning and looked in the tank and the male rainbow was darting around the females like and idiot, then one female and the male disappeared 'into the bushes' and I saw her laying more eggs.

With that, 2 Neons started doing a little dance and they also disappeared into the bushes and laid some eggs.

Well, after all that, I thought the breeding net might get a little over crowded, so I've gone out and bought a little 40 uk litre tank, which I'm going to set up tonight. I should be alright if I put a load of gravel from the existing tank in it and fill it with the existing tank water shouldn't I?!?

Looks like I'm gonna need that liquid fry more than I thought. :lol:

Tehehe... lucky you!

Yeah you'll be fine to fill it with exsisting water but add a bit of fresh water to it too. I reccomend you leave the filtr for the new tank in your current tank for a week to accumulate some bacteria. Only fill with your tank water when you've got the filter in thre though. If waiting for a week is too long for you try stealing some of the media from your current fish tank for the new filter and ptting in some new media to the old filter. Remember not to remove ALL of the media from the current filter... Take out no more than 50%

Do I have to have the new filter running in the other tank, or shall I just put it in there? I don't think I've got a spare socket near the old tank.

Thanks for all your help, by the way.
Yeah you need a filter in any tank... a bubble up is sufficeint for fry.

If you definatly 100% can't have a filter in that tank and you do want to move the fry into there, just do very small regular water changes - fry aren't tolerant of big changes in water quality and more muck will accumulate without a filter. If I was in this scenario I'd probally do a water change every 3 days or so doing half the amount I would usualy do. It really depends on the fry in comparison to the tank though. f they are completely dwarved by the tank you won't have to do many water changes at all!

Hope this helps :)
Hi, I think you misunderstood me, what I meant to say was, If I put my new filter in my old tank, does it need to be running to seed it or can I just put it in there and leave it a week and then transfer it to the new tank? Does that make more sense.

Also, when this new filter is running it doesn't create any bubbles, will this be a problem. Do I need to get an air pump? or is there a fitting I can stick on the new filter, it's a fluval 2+.


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