Ive Got Baby Fry?


New Member
Oct 24, 2011
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Neathe, Swansea
I can't believe this but did my weekly water change yesterday and as I was filling my tank back up I saw a little platys fry and 1mm big. It was so cool and unexpected. I called up to the wife to show her, as she walked away after looking a neon came and ate it. Nooooo. Lol. I found another this morning so hopefully he can hide. What shall I do now though try and find more and move them
If your tank is well planted, they're very good at hiding.
Only save them if you have room for them when they're grown, platys will give birth every 28/30 days
The easiest way to maximize fry survival in a community type setting is to provide tons of cover for the fry. Hiding is one of their best skills as long as there are places to hide. As pointed out by the poster above, lots of live plants will help greatly- even if its just a mass of floating plants. Plastic/silk plants and other forms of tank decor which afford ways to hide and/or evade will also work.
if you want to keep them then there is a couple of options...
1. Go to you lfs and get a fry net.
2. Put them into a differen fish tank.


You can leave them in the tank and hope that they live. Some might and some might not.
But do not worry the platy will have some fry in about a month again.
I move newborn fry into a breeding trap with the piece inside (to separate the mother from the fry) removed. I move them into the tank when they are big enough my other fish can't eat them. But I don't put my pregnant platys into the breeding trap. They have their babies in the tank and then when I find fry I move them. There are plants and a rock they can hide in/under.

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